“We thought it was best if you did it,” Mia answered Ben.

Rosie and Jackson stared at us in expectation, so my man announced, “Theodore Bryant Walker.”

Rosie burst out crying, and Jackson cleared his throat to keep his emotions at bay. “I thought we were supposed to give you a gift, son, not the other way around.”

“You’ve done more than enough for me, Jackson. This is a way for me to start giving it back. My debt is insurmountable.”

“Having you guys around is all the payment we need,” he choked out.

Gabe watched the whole scene around him, his little brows furrowed over his contemplative eyes. “I also wanna be aBwyant.”

“Don’t worry, Gabe-boy,” Mia reassured him. “Your Zachy is working on it.”

Zach just beamed as Haley hid her smile behind her hair and the rest of us all chuckled.

It was good to be home.

“I know you guys are beaten, but I think we should address what happened,” I heard Zach mutter to Ben.

After introductions, all the grown-ups—apart from Ben and me—finished cleaning our place and fixing lunch. Gabe and Hugo played on the floor by our feet, glancing at Teddy from time to time. They were getting tired of waiting for my boy to react and start playing with them.

Our family hinted at leaving a couple of times, to let us rest. I was as reluctant to let them go as they were to leave us alone.

“Is Aaron around?” Ben questioned.

Mia leaned her arms on the back of the couch, looking upside down at Teddy, who was back in his seat, while she ran a finger on his hair and cheeks. “He was working on-site today. He went back to the place of the accident.”

“Danny said he wanted to stop by to see you guys,” Zach informed her. “We could call Aaron as well, so we could all discuss it here. That way, we could keep an eye on everyone.”

With the meeting settled, I felt myself getting anxious. More than anything, I wanted to get to the bottom of things, yet I was also afraid to do so. The tailing on us was deliberate. What about the crash? Was it a typical case of hit-and-run? Was it intentional?

I tried to get those thoughts out of my mind, at least while feeding Teddy, who was slurping like crazy on my breast. It could be insane thinking on my part, but I didn’t want him to pick up on my wariness. Besides, this was my moment with him. It was uncomfortable at first until both of us understood what to do. Then it became an experience I’d cherish forever. The connection was just so strong.

After he finished his meal, Ben lifted him from my arms, settled him up with his little face over Ben’s shoulder, and bounced him around the room to burp our boy. It was a sight never to forget. The big, once detached man, holding our baby boy and whispering sweet words in his little ears. Every time they bounced by me, I could hear some broken words. Promises, love declarations, nonsense tales about family.

I looked around, expecting to see everyone watching that wholesome moment. But Rosie had her worried eyes fixed on her daughter. Mia was sitting on the ground, in the corner of the living room, and Hugo was curled on her lap. Her head was hanging low and eyelids closed as she massaged her temples with trembling hands. She blinked her eyes open slowly, furrowing her brows as if the clarity bothered her. With foggy eyes, she gazed at me, and it took her a while to realize Rosie and I were watching her. She dropped her hands on Hugo’s fur and smiled like nothing was happening.

Before I could go to her, Zach announced our guests.

Danny walked in first, holding Sofia’s hand. She looked so fragile and small next to her hunk of a father. However, his care for her and the way he tended to her needs and listened to her nonstop babbling were proof enough of who had the reins between them. Aaron closed the front door behind him and came to greet me as Danny led Sofia to meet Teddy.

Ben squatted in front of the little girl, who gushed at her new friend. She seemed awed at seeing a real life baby. Gabe and Hugo approached to greet her.

“He’s my newfwiend. He can be yourfwiend,too,” Gabe offered. “But he doesn’t do much.”

“He’s napping?” Her high, sweet voice made me smile.

“He just naps and eats.”

“Just wait for a while. Soon, he’ll be able to play with you and do more than eat and sleep,” Ben promised.

“Until then, why don’t you two come play?” Rosie suggested.

Fee turned to her father, who’d crouched beside her. “Can I,Papi?”

“Of course, Princess. Be the good girl you are, okay?”

She nodded her head emphatically, her pigtails bouncing with her enthusiasm. He kissed her on the cheek before Gabe took her hand and they headed to the back yard. Hugo trailed behind them with Haley, Rosie, and Jackson.