We were stretched thin trying to deal with everything, while still managing to keep a close watch on our private lives. Mia had been bugging us for recruiting more people, and she was right. We couldn’t handle everything by ourselves for much longer. It wasn’t like we couldn’t afford more people. With all the new cases we were being assigned to, the cash flood was sweet.

Which was great, since I was about to become a father.

That was another point of dread. Not so much anymore because I didn’t think I could handle it. That was still a scary thought, but what tormented me was knowing Michael was somewhere out there, keeping a close eye on us.

Since his encounter with Izzie and Mia, he was radio silent. That proved to be way worse than hearing from him. The uncertainty was taking a toll on us. We didn’t know how he planned to strike, so we were extra careful with our family.

We increased the security in our places—including Rosie and Jackson’s. We never let Izzie, Gabe, Sofia, and Haley alone. The kids even started to hang out at the Company more often. Every time one of them had to go somewhere, Zach, Mia, Danny, or I would tag along. That proved once again we needed more people.

Izzie was closer to her due date, and I was doing my best to not freak out. The highlight, though, was that I wasn’t comfortable with us living in separate homes, especially after the baby was born. So after the Michael debacle, I finally got the courage to ask her to move in with me. I was exhilarated when she said yes, without an ounce of hesitancy.

She planned on sublocating the loft above the cafeteria, but so far there was no tenant, so she still used the space to rest whenever it got to be too much to run around the coffee shop.

After she was settled, we decorated the nursery. All that was left to do was get our baby. I was equal parts excited and anxious. I couldn’t wait to see his face, but I’d rather see it after we got Michael.

Life had other plans for us. As ready as we thought we might be, we couldn’t be prepared enough.

“I can’t believe I missed your appointment today,” I lamented.

“It was so boring,” she placated me over the phone. “Just measuring my weight and blood pressure, then the doctor measured our Little Bean, who continues to grow healthy and strong.” No matter what she said, I was mad at myself for not being with her. Even though it wasn’t my fault.

“I wanted to see him again,” I whined.

“I know.” She giggled. “I asked the doctor for a picture. I’m nearing forty weeks now, so I’ll have a couple more appointments you can attend.”

“This is so messed up.”

“And none of this is your fault,” she reminded me. Izzie made it her purpose always to tell me what was happening wasn’t to be pinned on me. “You’re out of town working. You didn’t leave me unattended. I have with me my own security detail.”

“Hey, Benny,” Mia greeted, probably having heard through the speakerphone.

“How is everything there? Is Izzie feeling fine? How was the appointment? Is there anything she’s not telling me?”

“Why, thank you, I’m fine. How about you?” she sassed.

“Mia—” I groaned in warning, just to be scolded by my woman.

“Be nice to her.” Great. They were ganging up on me.

“Hi, Mia. How are you?” My voice was strained, but I wasn’t mad at her. I was just being a jerk.

“I’m great, thank you for asking. What about you?”

“Wonderful. Are you taking care of things? Are you being careful?”

“No. I’m letting things run wild, and I’m just going with the flow.”

“Why are we talking again?”

“Because you miss me.”


“I’m here, babe.” She was still giggling. “I’m fine. Things have been quiet around here, and Mia hasn’t left my side. She’s even been working at Beans. She slept at our place last night.” She did her best to calm me. I trusted Mia to take care of her. But as I said to her, I wasn’t only worried about Izzie and my baby. It killed me that I had to be away when so many people I loved were at risk.

“Wait. What about Haley and Gabe?”

“You really need to ask?” I chuckled at Mia’s dry voice. They most certainly didn’t sleep alone.