I could understand her wariness, but Zach would listen to her. At least I hoped so.

We stayed outside in companionable silence for so long, the colors in the sky started to change. A soothing orange with hues of pink was taking place. I should probably go home, but I didn’t wanna leave just yet, and I saw earlier Izzie rummaging through Mia’s fridge and pantry, so I knew she was fine.

She could’ve come out, but she wanted me and Mia to have our time, and I loved her even more for that. I needed that reprieve and that truthful moment, and it filled my heart with love and respect that Izzie was not only fine with it, she also encouraged it. She was a marvelous woman, and I’d try my best to deserve her.

After a while, Mia stretched and broke the silence. “Man, I need to eat something.”

“God, I’m so sorry. Are you feeling okay? You should’ve eaten sooner.” I stared at her face attentively, roaming my eyes to see if I could find any sign of dizziness or distress.

“I’m fine. It’s just been a weird day. I’m happy we got to talk, though. I missed that.” Her grin was timid.

“I’m glad, too. I think we both needed it.”

“I’m not in the mood to cook, I’ll buy something for us. Is there anything Izzie isn’t supposed to eat or something she’s been craving lately?”

I gave her my most devilish smirk. “Me.”

“She’s not supposed to eat you, or she’s been craving you?”

“She most definitely craves me. Oh boy, does she crave me? We’ve been having really good trimesters, you know.” It’d been that good. There was something about the way your woman couldn’t get enough of you that just made you feel like you could take on the world.

“I hate to break it to you, but her hormones are the ones to blame.”

“I’m grateful for them, because I’ve been collecting the fruits.”

“That’s it, Walker. You’re eating Hugo’s food. Don’t worry, it’s organic, you’ll still be able to perform tonight.”

I chuckled but was looking forward to another performance. “Pizza is fine.”

“Pizza, it is.” She fished her phone from her jeans pocket and proceeded to order our dinner. Right then, during such a mundane occurrence, I felt the urge to say what I should’ve said a long time ago. Repeatedly.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. It’ll be here soon enough. The delivery guy is fast and super friendly.”

I was sure he was.

“Not for that.” I took a deep breath. “Thank you,” I looked straight into her eyes, “for everything.”

She never did things expecting something in return. She didn’t need my gratitude, even though she had it. She could’ve dismissed me and said it was no big deal. But it was important to me, and she knew that. So, I was even more grateful when she didn’t make little of such a huge moment for me, while also not making a big fuss about it.

Her lips stretched into a small smile, and she nodded in acknowledgment, no words needed.

“I know it’s long overdue. We’ve been through so much together, the last few months were even crazier. It’s come to my attention that I need to be more vocal about my feelings.” She gazed inside the empty living room through the closed glass doors, understanding what—or rather who—made me wake up to it. “So thank you. For absolutely everything, all the uncountable things you’ve done for me.” Then came what I thought would be the hardest part, but it was deeply fulfilling. “I love you.”

Her eyes filled with unshed tears as she grinned at me. She raised from where she was seated and offered me her hand to help me stand up. Then she surprised me by circling her arms around my waist and burrowing her face into my chest, not caring that her glasses bent in the process. I hugged her back just as tightly and leaned my chin on the top of her head.

“I love you, too,” she choked out.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Izzie through the glass doors. She beamed, overjoyed, tears running down her face. I felt so grateful for those two women who, very differently, taught me how to love.

As I hugged who couldn’t have been a better little sister if we shared the same blood lineage, I wondered why it took me so long to be open about my feelings. It was empowering and liberating.

But it was fine, because that was only the first of many hugs we’d share. Mia would always be around for when I needed another shot of endorphins.


As the leaves started to fall, my anxiety grew. So many things seemed to be happening at once, and I wasn’t ready for either of them. Right when we needed to focus on our investigation aboutEl Rey Alacrán—what with Michael seemingly being involved—we had an influx of new cases, both private and from the government.