Mia, on the other hand, was looking at me with calculating eyes. She was absorbing my confession, but more than that, she was about to land a blow. I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was coming.

She was Mia, after all. Since we were kids, whenever she knew I was hurting, she’d barge in with no finesse, but undeniable efficiency.

The silence in my office was sepulchral. For a few seconds, which felt like hours, all we could hear was the clock on the wall, ticking like a gong second after second. The more time that passed, the more uneasy I felt.

Mia was looking at me intently, and even though she had her back to Zach, being as in tune as he was with her, he sensed she’d say something that could change everything.

The whole atmosphere changed, the tension was thick, and even Haley and Danny became aware of what was coming, despite none of us knowing what it was.

“You’re right,” she said slowly.

While she was staring at me with slightly narrowed eyes, Zach said warily, in a quiet, warning voice, “Mia, whatever you’re thinking, let’s just take a step—"

“Hit me,” she interrupted him forcefully, stepping closer to me and staring right into my eyes.

“What?”I all but yelled.

“Jesus!” I heard Danny say as Haley sucked in a breath and Zach muttered in agitation, “For God’s sake, Mia.”

“Hit me,” she repeated, making my uneasiness grow. What the hell was she doing?

“What the hell are you doing?” Zach mirrored my thoughts, getting closer to her and trying to get some sense into his sister. But she just stepped away from him.

“He’s right,” she answered her brother, her eyes still focused on me. “Who knows if he might end up like his shit of a father? For the sake of his girl and his baby, hell, for the sake of us, we need to know if he’s dangerous.” Stepping closer, she commanded once again, “Hit me.”

“This is a bad idea, Mia,” Zach stated anxiously. Did he think I’d hurt her?

I snapped. “Get out, Mia.”

“No.” She strode my way, taking her time. “Come on, hit me. You wanna know the truth, so let’s settle this once and for all. Are you or are you not like your father?Hit me.”

As she came closer, I stepped back again and again. “This is not funny, Mia, just stop and let this go.” I tried using my hardest voice, but she could sense I was breaking.

“Should we do something?” Danny asked as Zach stressed, “Damn it, Mia, let this go.”

“She knows what she’s doing,” Haley said trustfully.

“I’m telling you, this is a mistake. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove here, but stop right now, Mia.” I was cornered and continued stepping back, feeling my already fragile control about to snap. My hands shook, my heart rate was peaking, and I could feel beads of anxious sweat forming on my forehead.

“You know what I’m trying to prove. If you’re like your father, then we deserve to know. Isabella might not be safe with you. Don’t even get me started on your baby. Hell, if you’re anything like Michael, you shouldn’t even be close to Gabe and Sofia.” And that was a punch to the stomach, because I loved the kids.

She circled my table, approaching me like a predator. “If that’s the case, maybe Isabella should be with someone else. A man who could make her happy and take care of your baby. That’s a win-win. You’d be free of the responsibility and far away from your girl and your baby, don’t you think? She’d be better off.” She whispered, but all I heard was a scream, “Hit me.”

My back was literally against the wall, and Mia’s words were more than annoying me. Isabella wasmygirl, carryingmybaby, and as irrational as it was, I couldn’t stop the jealousy that sparked within me at this imaginary man claiming what was mine.

Mia wasn’t done. “I’m now thinking about all the times we were alone together. Maybe I should’ve been more careful, I should be afraid of you. My whole family is in danger if you turn out to be like Michael.”

I was having trouble breathing.

“We should do something.”

“Mia, stop this right now!”

“She knows what she’s doing!”

“Hit me.” She was so close, I had to suck in my breath and stand even taller to avoid our bodies from touching. “Hit me and get this over with.”

“Stop this, Mia,” I warned.