“Do you know who they are?” I didn’t wanna bother her when she was in discomfort, but I had so many questions.

“I recognized one of them.” She paused and exhaled. “The one who kicked me? He’s the guy I saw with Danny’s ex. The same one who tailed us on the road.”

“From the cartel?” I whisper-yelled.

She nodded and winced at the small motion.

“Why not kill us? Not that I’m complaining.”

“Because we’re not their priority and Michael is too arrogant to believe we’ll try to escape him.”

“He’s right, because there’s no way we can do it. They locked the door we came from, and we can’t just cross the storage to get away.”

She side-eyed me. “Have a little faith in us. Just gimme a minute.” She closed her eyes until her breathing evened out. “Have you seen the other guys? How many are there?”

“I counted five men but heard more voices than that.”

She nodded in thought. “Did you hear anything they said?”

“The man who kicked you said something about doing quickly what they came here for.” I thought back to the last few moments, wracking my brain for any other information. “He also said they were running out of time and should set the timer and get things done.”

“Set the timer?” She furrowed her brows in confusion.

“That’s what I heard.” I gazed at her leg. “Can you move it?”

She looked down and stretched her leg, moving it in several different directions. “I don’t think it’s broken,” she hissed. “It’s just sore.”

“What about the noise?”

“That was me getting old.” She gazed at our free feet. “Are you wearing any belts?”

I frowned and shook my head.

“It’s okay. Just wait for a second, and I’ll cut your tie.”


Ignoring me, she raised her pelvis as much as she could to unhook her belt and pull off its hook. She slid the belt into the tie on one of her arms and fastened it. Raising her leg, she hooked her feet on it and forced her leg down to break the tie. With a free hand, she fished a knife from a sheath on her shin and cut the other tie before coming to me to cut mine, limping when she placed her weight on her kicked knee.

After we were free, she paused to listen to what was going on outside the room.

I rubbed my wrist, trying to alleviate the discomfort. “We need to find a way out of it. But if they see us untied, they’ll restrain us more than before. Or worse.”

She looked down at the ties on the floor. “You’re right. Sit on the chair and place the ties back, holding the ends under your arms to look like they’re tied. We’ll think of something soon.”

She slid her switchblade inside her right sleeve before reaching under the table. She rummaged for a while before pulling out some weaponry.

She thrust inside her hoodie pockets what seemed to be smoke bombs and a lighter, then hid a handgun on the waistband of her pants—they’d taken the one she came with. Confusing me to no end, she grabbed a bunch of office stuff—a calculator, a cup holder, even some pens—and filled her pockets. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her pick up a cell phone and turn it on.

My relief was short-lived. Hearing someone approach, I hissed at her to get into position. She hastily hid the ammo she’d collected and sat back on the chair, doing with the cut ties what she instructed me when one of the doors opposite us—one of the two that led to the storage—was thrown open.

“Good. You’re up. It wouldn’t be as fun if I had to have my way with you while you were out.” Michael strode inside the room. He crouched down in front of her, admiring the bruise forming on her temple. “Such a shame. This could’ve been avoided if you weren’t so difficult. I gotta admit, though, I’m gonna have so much fun teaching you how to behave. It’s been long overdue.”

“Were you scared?”


“Were you scared to meet me? Is that why you came back with a security detail worthy of a president?” she taunted. By the locking of his jaw, it was working.