He stayed outside for a few minutes as Mia went to the kitchen to prepare some hot chocolate for her and me and pick up some heavy drinking for the men, while dread surrounded us.

I was almost too afraid to ask. “What is The Bryant Prodigy?”

“The question is, ‘Who’ is,” Danny grumbled.

Mia came back from the kitchen with everyone’s beverage. “That was the nickname I was christened with when I worked at the DEA.”


“It’s just a stupid banter—”

Aaron accepted the drink from Mia and leaned forward, placing his forearms on his legs. “She was responsible for more arrests than we could count during her time at the agency, including the right hand of the head of the cartel we’re investigating. Apart from all the drugs she busted.”

“Webusted,” she corrected him. “Besides, like I told Ben a while ago, they probably don’t know who I am. Bryant isn’t an uncommon name, and it’s just an expression, a joke. I hardly doubt they’re after me,Mia Bryant.”

“We shouldn’t dismiss this,cariño.”

“I’m not making light of it, Danny. But we have more important matters at hand than to entertain this jest. Michael is after us for a selfish vendetta. We still don’t know why the cartel guy is fooling around with Andrea, but I think it’s safe to say he’s here to expand the business, what with the huge shipment from a few months ago and all. I honestly don’t think they’re choosing this place for me.”

“Why, then?” Aaron seemed open to other options.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Maybe the proximity to Canada. It could be easier for them to export not only drugs, but people as well.”

“Or maybe we could consider the obvious alternative that they’re after you,” Zach snapped, already back. I was having a hard time compromising the calm and loving big brother to the wild bear ready to attack.

Knowing his anger was based on fear, Mia ignored his sharp tone. “If that’s the case, then I should focus on that side of the investigation.”

“How is that a good idea, Mia? They’re trying to shoot you down, and your answer is to meet them head-on?” Even from afar, I could see Zach’s vein in his forehead was pumping.

Mia stood up in annoyance. “So what’s your suggestion?”

“You should leave. Go somewhere safe until things cool down,” Zach exclaimed in agitation.

“If you think I’ll run right now, then you don’t know me at all. It offends me that you could even consider suggesting that. Any other person, and you’d agree to build an offensive to end this.”

He thrust his hands into his hair. “You’renotany other person! You’re my little sister, damn it.”

Placated by his turmoil, she approached him and touched his arms to stop his pacing. “I’m yourtrainedlittle sister. I’ve known them for a long time, Zee. I investigated the cartel with Aaron and Danny. I know how they operate. My going away won’t stop their advances. It’ll only make them worse.”

“This isn’t supposed to be happening,” he whispered.

Mia hugged his waist in comfort. “I know. But it’s nothing we can’t deal with. We’re gonna put an end to this.”

Zach hugged her back, but the agony didn’t leave his eyes. I could only pray she was right.


That was the eighth diaper I changed. That day. And still counting.

I loved my boy. He was the most precious living being I’d ever encountered, and my heart soared whenever I saw his toothless smile. But how many dumps does a baby need to take? He was way too small to release that much shit.

It was still an adjustment to take care of him. Yet as tired as I was, I’d never felt happier or more fulfilled.

Sleepless nights were getting old already. Seeing his attentive eyes following me around was priceless. His wails broke my heart, and I wanted to snatch with my bare hands whatever was bothering him. The little noises he made trying to communicate never failed to make me smile.

I wasn’t comfortable with leaving Izzie alone with him. Not only was the threat still very real, I also didn’t wanna be away from them. Every day, there was something new happening with Teddy I didn’t wanna miss.

Whenever I could, I worked from home. When that wasn’t possible, I left them with Rosie and Jackson, who were more than willing to spoil my baby, along with Gabe. There were also times I brought them with me to the company. I figured if Haley could take care of Gabe while working when they first got here, Izzie and I could make it work as well.