Page 63 of Heartbeat

The baked goods from Granny Annie’s Bakery came next. By the time Sean arrived, she had everything in place and was sitting quietly in one of the chairs beneath the painting of Pope Mountain, contemplating the enormity of how far she’d come. It hadn’t been an easy journey, but she’d do it all over again, just for the pleasure of being part of Sean Pope’s life.

She was disappointed about her ancestry link, but she had to let it go. Whoever her parents were, they hadn’t wanted her before. It made sense that they wouldn’t want to know her now. Maybe it had to do with guilt—not wanting to face someone they’d given away.

Then Sean walked in carrying roses and put them on the reception desk and whistled beneath his breath as she came to meet him, wearing a fitted pantsuit and heels that made her long legs look even longer.

He groaned. “Red and black. Power colors and sexy as hell! Why do I have this sudden need to publicly stake a claim before every single guy in town sees you?”

The smile slid off her face. “Don’t worry. You did that the day you beat up the bullies, and you’re the first man to give me roses, so you’re already doing everything right. Thank you. They’re beautiful,” she said, and kissed him.

As she was turning away to admire the roses, she saw Shirley pulling up to the curb. “Yay! Your mom is here!”

Sean turned. “She brought Aunt Ella!”

Amalie froze. “The one who’s psychic?”

“Yes, and Aunt Ella doesn’t come down the mountain for much these days. Prepare yourself.”

“Oh lord,” Amalie said. “Should I be worried?”

“No, but when she leaves, you will have been informed,” he said, and then winked. “I’m going to help Mom get Aunt Ella out of the car. She’s in her nineties.”

Amalie’s heart was in her throat as she watched Sean bolt. He was a giver, and a caretaker, and a provider of all things necessary, and she knew he loved her. She was alittle anxious about meeting the mountain elder, but she was holding the door open as the trio entered.

The old woman was tall and thin, with a long thick braid of white hair wrapped around her head, and wearing black beneath a long gray coat. Amalie could see the Pope bloodline in her face.

“Welcome, Miss Ella. My name is Amalie Lincoln. Thank you for coming. Shirley, you are so sweet to come support my new venture.”

Shirley was all smiles as Sean helped Ella out of her coat and situated her on the sofa.

“Don’t fuss,” Ella said, as she settled onto the sofa and then looked straight into Amalie’s eyes. “Come sit with me,” she said, and the moment Amalie’s backside hit the cushion, Ella turned to face her. “I saw you coming in my dreams.” Then she touched the white streak in Amalie’s hair. “The mark of an old wound. Not in this lifetime. From before.”

Amalie was transfixed. Sean was standing behind her, his hand on her shoulder for support, and she hoped to God nobody walked in before this woman had her say. It was like touching a history she’d never had.

Ella kept staring into Amalie’s eyes. “You don’t know your people, but one knows you. Patience. He needs patience.”

Amalie shivered.Oh my God.

“May I?” Ella asked, and held out her hand.

Amalie clasped it and felt a warmth running all the way up her arm.

“We’re connected, but you already know that, don’t you?”

Amalie nodded. Her eyes were welling, but she didn’t want to cry.

Ella touched the scar on Amalie’s chin and then the burn scars on her neck.

“They protected you. It wasn’t your time to die.” She pointed at Sean. “He’s been waiting for something all his life. It was you.” Then Ella glanced over at the painting. “The mountain called you, didn’t it?” Her voice softened. Her drawl deepened. “Be at peace here, Ah-mah-lee. This is where you belong.” Ella saw the tears and knew the longing within the girl. “Don’t be afraid of what you already know how to do. It is a gift given to few. Do you understand?”

Amalie was shaking. “Yes, ma’am.”

Ella gave her hand a soft squeeze. “Not ‘ma’am.’Aunt Ellawill do.” Then she glanced over at the table full of goodies. “By any chance, do those come from Annie’s bakery?”

Amalie nodded. “Would you like some?”

“I believe I would, and I’ll let you choose for me. I like surprises. Sean, I’d take a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind. It’s nippy outside.”

Sean and Amalie headed to the table, their shoulders touching, unaware they were walking in unison, but Ella saw it.