Page 12 of Heartbeat

Dani was choking and coughing, and scared to death she was going to lose track of the children in the smoke. She stopped and turned around.

“Is everybody still with me? Maisy, are you there?”

“Yes! We’re here,” Maisy said.

“Okay, change of plans. We’re going to form a chain. You’ll hold hands with the person in front of you, and the person behind you, and whatever you do, don’t turn loose. If you fall, shout out immediately. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mrs. Pope!”

She waited, hearing their little feet shuffling as they moved into another formation.

“Is everybody ready? Is somebody holding Miss Maisy’s hand?”

“Yes! We’re good,” Maisy said. “I have a flashlight on my phone. I can see the backs of their heads.”

“Then here we go again,” Dani said, as she grabbed the hand of the little boy behind her. “Okay, Sammy, we’re walking now, we’re walking,” and started up the hall again, all but blind to where they were going. Her biggest fear was that she’d reach the junction and miss her turn, or that one of the children would succumb to the smoke and pass out.

And then all of a sudden, she heard someone shouting her name, and nearly broke down in tears. It was Aaron!

“Here! We’re here! We’re here!” she cried.

She heard footsteps. Multiple footsteps. He’d brought help. They were going to be okay! The relief was huge.

Then he appeared within the smoke like an angel coming into hell to lead them out, and it wasn’t until he wrapped his arms around them that she gave way to tears.

“Thank God you’re okay. Give her to me, love,” Aaron said, and took Lili out of her arms, then picked up the little boy behind her.

“I’ve got these,” Sean said, and swooped in, swung one boy up on his back. “Hold on tight, son. We’re getting out of here,” then he gathered two more up in his arms.

Wiley and his partner were right behind them and began picking up children.

Dani turned and grabbed the hands of two more children, and Maisy picked up the last one in her arms.

“Do we have all thirteen?” Aaron asked.

“Yes,” Dani said. “I’ve been counting. Get us out of this smoke.”

Aaron took off walking, and the rest followed. Within moments, they’d reached the hall junction. The doors Aaron had left open were acting like a stovepipe, funneling the smoke out into the yard and upping the visibility enough for them to finally see their way.

Principal Lowery met them at the door and began touching little heads and hugging Dani and Maisy.

“We thought everyone was out! Oh my God! You’re all bleeding!”

Maisy quickly began to explain. “I don’t think any of the cuts are serious, but I can’t be sure. They’re hurt, and that’s not okay.”

“What happened? How did you get trapped?” Mrs. Lowery asked.

“I was bringing children back from music class when we heard the warning over the loudspeaker,” Maisy said.“We were running as fast as we could up the hall to get out of the building, but the classroom doors on the south side were open, I guess from the evacuation, and when the helicopter crashed and exploded, we got caught up in flying glass and burning debris. The children were hysterical, and I was trying to get them back together, but the smoke was already pouring in, and I was afraid I’d lose one trying to get out on my own with them. Then Dani came out of a classroom where she and Lili had taken cover. She still had her walkie-talkie and was trying to radio someone to find the safest way out. Justine heard the call and told us where to go, but the smoke in the hall was so dark and thick, we couldn’t see where we were going. If the officers hadn’t found us, I don’t know what would have happened.”

Stephanie was struggling to maintain her emotions. “You and Dani have both been amazing, and this is definitely a situation we would never have thought to practice for. The ambulances are across the street in the football field. Is everybody okay to walk over there?”

Aaron shook his head. “No need, ma’am. We’ll carry them.”

Lili raised her head. “Uncle Aaron, is my mama there?”

“I don’t know, sugar, but Aunt Dani and I will be with you until she comes, okay?”

Lili took a firmer grip around his neck, but the tears were still rolling, and the black smoke was still pouring out the front doors like dragon’s breath.