“Well, sure.” He was still in shock. “The school year will have started by then anyway. But are you sure you—”
“I know it’s not an exciting way to spend the summer,” she went on, “but you’d have the run of the place. There’s no reason you can’t start a tape, grab some lunch, and come back, right? We’ve even got a kitchen here.”
“I guess I could do that.”
“You could bring books, music, whatever. Just so long as I can throw all those tapes in the trash by September.”
Nick took a breath. “Linda, you know Ben and his buddies took my computer science class last semester, right?”
“Of course. He wanted to take whatever you were teaching.”
“If you don’t want to hire Ben, there were plenty of his friends in that class who would do this job for a quarter of the money.”
Linda looked delighted with herself, and he had no idea why. “Are you saying they’d do a better job?” she asked.
“Not at all, but I feel like I’m ripping you off.”
She chuckled. “Nick, there’s something you ought to know about me.”
“Which is?”
She leaned in a little. “I take great pleasure in rewarding inspirational people.”
Inspirational. Nick got it now. He had computer experience, but he also had a walker—and he’d long ago learned the disabled got extra points just for showing up. Ben had probably told his mother all about howinspirationalMr. Freeman had been to show up every day and teach so many kids in spite of his condition. Or maybe Linda saw the walker at Ben’s senior awards ceremony. This was her way of spreading some good in the world—and making him feel like a charity case.
“I really appreciate that,” he began, “but …”
“Come on, join us for the summer.” The woman was playful, cajoling, and relentless. “Are you a dance fan?”
Not until last night. “Sure.”
“Well, there ya go!” Linda Brandazzio exclaimed. “And you’ve never seen one of our shows before?”
“No,” he admitted.
“We’ve got a great crew around here for the next few months,” she said. “Really great kids, all sorts of talent—you get a backstage pass, and they get an audience. Maybe you’ll get some material for your classroom. There’s math to be found in dancing.”
“There will be shows this summer, then?” Nick asked innocently. “I thought you said I’d want to come back in September.”
Linda got a gleam in her eye. “There will absolutely be shows. And if you like what’s on the stage this summer, you’ll love what’s coming in September.”
He was impressed. Linda had managed to answer his question, promote her shows, and keep him out of Hayley’s businesswithout breaking a sweat. The proprietor of Vivez Dance seemed smart, generous, and kind, and was it really worth turning down easy money from a good boss because he didn’t like her motivations?
“Can I make one request?” he asked.
Linda spread her hands. “Please.”
He nodded at the shelves of video tapes. “There’s not a lot of room to move around in there.”
She beamed. “Let’s give you an office with a view.”
Hayley pushed through the swinging door of the Squeaky Lion’s kitchen. Tonight would be her fourth shift as the bar’s newest server and bartender, and tonight was the first time she was nervous. It was karaoke Friday.
Alexa was loading plates of appetizers onto her tray. “Right on time,” she said. “We’re going to keep you hopping.”
“I don’t mind.” Hayley tried for casual. “Hey, how well do you know Nick?”