“I finally remembered when we sawG.I. Jane.”
“And I started laughing, right there, so I had to explain to Mel what was so funny.”
Nick grinned. “You were pretty pleased with yourself at the time.”
“Double entendres are an art form, my friend.” Gavin sipped his beer. “Most people would watchStripteaseafterG.I. Janeand say, ‘Oh, great, a Demi Moore double feature!’”
“I’m sure Mel was blown away by your idea to call it Double D Night.”
“I told her we were in high school. Before she had a chance to fully refine me.”
“Also that it was your fault.”
“Screw you.”
Nick and Gavin were enjoying the party from the lawn chairs that Gavin had carefully placed just off the patio. The key was to sit in the heart of the action, so they could socialize with anyone who happened to pass, rather than feeling obligated to move any farther than was necessary to drink their beers.
“Did they break up?” Gavin said. He didn’t have to specify who he meant.
Nick shifted in his chair. “Yeah.”
“So what does that mean for you two?”
Nick watched Hayley over by the fence. It looked like she was trying to console the neighbors’ yapping terrier. “Well,” he said, “as long as Kevin doesn’t come back, and no one in Columbus ever hits on her, I might have a shot.”
Gavin shot him a look. “Don’t make me say nice things about you.”
“You think I want you to blow smoke up my ass?”
“I think she’s here. With you. And you absolutely looked like a couple walking in here.”
Nick lowered his voice. “Vicki and I looked like a couple for years.”
“You were,” Gavin countered. “Just because something eventually stops doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.”
“So you think Hayley and I won’t last,” Nick concluded.
“Honestly?” Gavin said. “I think you’re made for each other.”
Nick sighed. “You haven’t seen her dance.”
“And that wouldn’t change a thing.”
They watched party guests mingle on the lawn. Hayley was back at the pool now, chatting with one of the parents.
“It feels like that,” Nick admitted. “Like we were made for each other. Except my legs got busted in shipping.”
“She doesn’t care about that.”
“I know she doesn’t. But one day she’s going to find someone who can give her more.”
Rosie dunked her head into the pool and vigorously emerged a second later. Nick saw Hayley notice the commotion and smile.
Gavin said, “Part of you doesn’t believe that. Focus on that part.”