That was probably torture to have someone playing with her orgasm-sensitive clit, but she still held the white cloth.
Lihn was right there, so close, but it wasn’t until he grabbed her breast, fingers sliding through slippery paint as he found and pinched her nipple, that he reached his release.
Lihn thrust in deep, grinding his pelvis against her face for the first few seconds of his orgasm.His groan of pleasure was loud and unapologetic.A Dom jumped up on stage and tugged the clit-paint sub away, for which Lihn was grateful.
Lihn stayed in her mouth until he was sure he was done, then immediately jumped off the stool and lifted Joni’s head.Julen appeared and unlocked Joni’s chains while Lihn held her head.
He held her tight when she finally slid off the barrel onto her feet, bracing her as she swayed.
Lihn squeezed her tight, looking out at the other Doms.It appeared all three of them were done with their scenes for tonight.
Which meant it was time to swap subs.
Lihn, Julen, Peter, Joni, Laney, Diann
Joni blinked.“We have a pool?”She turned to Lihn.“Did you know this?”
“Nope.I’m feeling a little insulted.”Lihn looked at Julen.“Why and how do you know about the pool?”
He shrugged.“I know Master Mikel really well.”
“How?”Joni demanded suspiciously.
“I’m a freelance actuary,” he said, as if that answered the question.
“Math geek,” Diann said from within the mound of blankets wrapped around her like a parka.“That tracks.”
Julen laughed and gave her a squeeze.
“Are we going swimming?”Laney asked softly, leaning into Peter.
“No, you three are going skinny dipping,” Julen said.
“How or why is skinny dipping on the checklist?”Laney wondered aloud.
“Maybe because Las Palmas secretly has a pool,” Joni said, shaking her head.
It had taken them about ten minutes to walk there.Las Palmas was a sprawling estate with at least a dozen different buildings.It had once been an equestrian estate, which was still evident in the large barn structure they now called the Conclave, and a few covered riding arenas.
This building hadn’t looked like much—a low, wide Spanish-style building with no windows.
At least no windows on this side.The central door opened to a short hallway, and beyond that was a massive glass pool enclosure.The pool itself was long and narrow, clearly meant to be an exercise pool for swimming laps.There was plenty of room all around the pool for lounge chairs and massive potted plants with dramatic lighting pointed up at their leaves.Unlike the native and desert plants in the courtyards, here everything was lush tropical plants that liked the humidity.
The non-glass part of the building turned out to be just a series of rooms that all opened out directly into the pool enclosure.This had probably been a stable at some point, and the stalls had been converted into changing rooms, bathrooms, and storage, the attached paddock becoming the pool enclosure.
Lihn looked at Peter and Julen.“Did either of you grab a…?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, so no.”
“I’ll see if they have those kinds of supplies,” Lihn said, turning away.
Julen went over and knelt by the pool, sticking his hand into the water.“Not bad.”
Laney yawned, triggering both Joni and Diann to yawn too.It was the middle of the night, possibly edging toward dawn, given that the sky to the east seemed a bit lighter than it was to the west.
“Use the bathroom and get naked, then meet us back here.”Peter spoke to all of them, but was focused on Laney.