Page 74 of S is for…

The thought brought a deep satisfaction and peace.She basked in that for a moment before his other hand slid awkwardly between their sweaty bodies.His thumb found her clit.

Diann screamed, nails digging into his back as an orgasm that was pleasure so acute it became pain ripped through her, the heat of it making a mockery of the sensation from the strap.

Julen groaned, biting her lower lip, his body shuddering as he too came.

Diann’s arm and leg muscles were trembling, and she couldn’t decide if she wanted to laugh or cry.

“Is that…I don’t remember strapping scenes ending like that,” he wheezed.

Diann giggled—not laughed, giggled.“No, this wasn’t because of the strapping.It’s just…us.”

Julen lifted his head, meeting her gaze.

They stared into one another’s eyes in silent acknowledgment of how special this was.

Diann considered saying something to lighten the tension, but then Julen pulled away, his cock slipping from her pussy and making her moan.

He came back moments later with a soft, fluffy blanket.He helped her slide off the table, then wrapped it around her.

Content and warm, Diann leaned against Julen’s chest.What she and Julen had was something special.Something important.

She didn’t know exactly what it was they had, because it felt more important than any other relationship she’d ever had, BDSM or vanilla.She might not know what it was, but she knew what it wasn’t.

It wasn’t a mistake.


Laney and Peter

“Did you move?”Peter’s arm around her waist tugged her back, out of the corner.

Laney leaned against him, both content at being held, and restless because the four hours he’d been gone had left her with an aching clit, full ass, and desperate need to be fucked.

“You were gone for hours,” she moaned.

“I was gone for twelve minutes.I timed myself.Also, I ran and everyone looked at me weird.”

Laney sniggered as she pictured a shirtless Peter running through the club.

“I’m pretty sure you were gone for four to five hours.”

He pinched her nipple, making her yelp.“I wouldn’t leave you for four to five hours.”

She wondered if he knew how much those words meant to her.Of course he did.He confirmed it, almost as if he could hear her thoughts, when he whispered softly.“I won’t ignore you, or leave you, Laney.”

She had to swallow hard, before she could speak.“Thank you.”

He hugged her from behind, squeezing her for a moment, then once more cupped her breast, toying with her nipple.

“Now then, we have some work to do.I need to get you ready.”

“Ready for what, Sir?”

He smiled against her hair.“It’s not fun if I tell you.”

“I’d think it was fun,” she grumbled as he unlocked the cuffs.

“Don’t you like surprises?”Again he put his hand against her back, guiding her back to the seating area.