“I need to touch you like I need my next breath.”The words were poetic, his tone dark with need.
And when he tugged her towel away, baring her body to him, it felt right.
“Be my sub.”
“Wear my collar.”He gripped her throat gently, thumb touching that spot below her ear.
She shivered, swallowing before she could speak.“Yes.”
“Go on a date with me.”
“Be my fiancée.”
Why the hell not?“Yes.”
“Marry me.”
“Absolutely not.Marriage is a legal partnership and shouldn’t be entered into lightly or hastily.”
Julen laughed, a deep, rich sound.“That’s your line?”
“Yep.I mean if you really want to get married, just know the pre-nup will be ironclad and vicious.I suggest you retain legal counsel.”
Julen kept laughing, even as he ran his hands down her naked body.
Everything they’d just said was tempered by a need to sleep—it was nearly dawn, and they’d been up all night—and the overwhelming, intense emotions of the past ten days.
But as Julen laced his fingers with hers and led her out of the pool house, dawn broke above them and Diann couldn’t help but hope that the future they’d just imagined was possible.
“These people are really fucking dramatic,”Joni said from the side of the pool.
Lihn floated on his back in all his clothes.“Yes, they are.”
“I think I heard Julen propose.”
“That’s…you know what?Why not?”
Despite the fact that she’d just showered, Joni walked down the steps into the pool, shivering a little.Lihn put his feet down and stood to face her.
“I…think you’re great,” Joni said slowly.“And I really liked our scenes tonight.”
“But unlike the other four, you’re not suddenly in lust, or in love, with me?”Lihn’s lips twitched as he spoke.
Joni laughed and relaxed, sinking into the water up to her chin.“No, I’m not.”
“I’d like to be partners again,” he said.“See what we come up with when we don’t have a weird list.”
“I’d really like that.And also, I think even if we’re not sceneing, we should have a drink occasionally.”
“And I’d like that.Especially, if you get all that good Subs’ Garden gossip.And especially about those four.”He jerked his head back towards the changing rooms.
There were sex noises coming from Laney’s, but Diann and Julen had left a few minutes ago, hand in hand, her naked body bearing some pretty intense marks.
“Do you think they’ll make it?As kink couples?”
“No idea.”Lihn smiled and held out his arm.“But I hope they do.”
Joni went to him, leaning against his side in a companionable hug.“So do I.”