Page 90 of S is for…

A thud that sounded like flesh on flesh echoed against the glass walls.

There was a startled cry, followed by a loud splash.

Laney was frozen, hand gripping the towel she’d wrapped around herself.

Peter was going to swap her for some other sub.Everything she’d felt tonight had seemed so much bigger than one night together, one scene.She wanted him to be her Master.Wanted to wear his collar and be his brat who constantly had a sore bottom and a plug in her ass.

The doors to her changing room burst open.

Peter loomed in the doorway, and the look in his eyes was wild.

“Hard limit,” he said.


“Swapping, swinging, whatever ‘S’ word you want to use, it’s now a hard limit for me.”His chest heaved as he took a deep breath.“At least when it comes to you.”

Laney almost crumpled to the floor.His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.Peter took a seat, pulling her onto his lap.

“I heard Lihn say you were, you were…”

“No, baby, no.Never.”

“I know that was the plan?—”

“Fuck the plan.And fuck Lihn.”Peter groaned.“Though I probably shouldn’t have shoved him.”A pause.“Or shoved him again so that he fell into the pool.”

“You pushed him because…of me?””

“I pushed him because I have just enough self-control not to hit him, but the idea of giving you up, or letting anyone else touch you makes me, apparently, violent.”

“If we were anywhere but the club, I’d find that behavior disgusting.”Laney snuggled against him, feeling safe and wanted.

“Completely unacceptable,” he agreed.

Then Peter tipped her chin up.“I heard you call me Master.”

“Oh.I’m sorry, it just…”

“I liked it.I want to be your Master.I can’t promise it will always be fun; I do like some harder things.”

“I want to try them,” she said immediately.“As long as it’s with you.”Then she swallowed.“Maybe not a strap.Did you see Diann’s butt?”

“I’ve made Diann’s butt look ten times worse, but she needed it.”His thumb stroked her lips.“I think you’d cry very prettily if I took a belt to your ass.”

“Would you kiss it better?”she asked, not at all afraid.

“I would.”

His fingers slid down to her neck, circling briefly.“It’s too soon to be bonded, but next time we scene, I want you wearing a collar for me.”

“And there will definitely be a next time?”

“Yes.”Peter smiled, though it wavered a little, as if he was hesitant.“For as long as you want it.”

“I want it.I want all of it.”Laney turned so she was straddling his lap, and then pressed her lips to his.

When they paused to breathe, Peter smiled against her lips as he tugged the towel away.Laney reached up and undid the towel on her hair, tossing it after the first one.Peter’s hands slid up her bare back, and she shook her head, deliberately slapping his hands with the ends of her wet hair.