Page 51 of S is for…

Julen’s frown had shifted to alarm.“Your smile is a little…disconcerting.”

“I was thinking about how last weekend I was this close to slapping the crap out of Peter.”She held up her fingers a millimeter apart.

“He would have deserved it.”

“Yes.”Diann cocked her head.“Would you feel better if I promise to slap you if the scene goes in the wrong direction?”

He snorted and turned back to the door.“Maybe, but that won’t work given the letter S items I have for us.”

Arousal made her shiver.“Oh?”

Julen assessed her again, this time his gaze going all the way to her feet.

He unlocked the door once more, and this time he stepped through, tugging her in after him.

She’d been in this playroom before, and while the rooms in the Iron Court didn’t have names like those in the Constellation Court, Diann had names for them.She’d always thought of this one as the wood room.

The wall opposite the door had dark, horizontal wood paneling, while the side walls were creamy white, between thick horizontal beams.Hooks in the wood showcased a plethora of tools and implements.Two brackets on the waist-high beam held various lengths of varnished wood, each with pre-drilled holes.A box of bolts, nuts, and washers on the floor were sized for those holes.Like kinky K’nex, they allowed tops to create custom wooden structures to meet their perverted needs.

A Dom had to need something really specific—or be in a mood to scratch a kinky DIY itch—for them to bother with boards and screws, since the room came equipped with a St.Andrew’s cross, stocks, a long, heavy wood table, a massive wooden trough, spanking benches, saw-horses, and more.

Diann mentally named each thing.“Spanking bench, St.Andrew’s cross, stocks, and saw-horses?”she guessed.

Julen hadn’t let go of her hand, and used it to tug her deeper into the room.“Actually, believe it or not, the only one of those on our list is stocks.”


“Yes.I think they must have assumed St.Andrew’s cross and spanking bench were either a given, or considered them just the tools for some other activity, like bondage, rather than their own kink.Saw-horse is under R for riding the pony.”

“Ah.The spanking bench surprises me.”

“Spanking is on there, but just spanking.”Julen led them towards the heavy wooden table.It could have easily seated ten or twelve people and was long enough for someone to lie on with their arms stretched up over their head.

Julen finally untangled their fingers, his hands finding her hips.When he started to lift, Diann turned and hopped up, sitting on the table.

Julen took a few steps back, deliberately putting space between them.Then he grabbed a straight-backed wooden chair from the wall, spun it around, and straddled it, arms crossed on the back.

Diann hummed.

Julen looked confused.

She gestured.“That’s sexy.”

He leaned back, looking down at himself.“Sitting in a chair?”

“Sitting in a chair like that.”

“Ah.I didn’t know.”

“I’d say it’s a closely guarded secret, but there are memes.”

At that he laughed, a low, rich sound that made her nipples tight.

“Fair enough.”Julen’s gaze skipped down her body, still mostly concealed by the robe though it had fallen open over her thighs.

“We have four things to handle tonight,” he said, the tensions between them shifting and increasing.

Diann looked around, reassessing based on the things he’d eliminated.“Stocks?”