Page 101 of Belong With Me

About The Author

Jessica Cunsolo’s young adult series, With Me, has amassed over 215 million reads on Wattpad since she posted her first story,She’s With Me, on the platform in 2015. The novel has won a Watty award, has been published in multiple languages, and is in development with Wattpad WEBTOON Studios. Jessica lives just outside of Toronto, where she enjoys the outdoors and transforming her real-life awkward situations into plotlines for her viral stories. You can find her on Instagram @jesscunsolo, on Twitter @avaviolet17, or on Wattpad @avaviolet.

An imprint of Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group Copyright © 2024 Jessica Cunsolo

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Published in Canada by Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group, a division of Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, Inc.

36 Wellington Street E., Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5E 1C7 Canada

First Wattpad Books edition: February 2024

ISBN 978-1-99025-972-2 (Trade Paper original)

ISBN 978-1-99025-973-9 (eBook edition)

Names, characters, places, and incidents featured in this publication are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, institutions, or locales, without satiric intent, is coincidental.

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication information is available upon request.

Cover design by Mumtaz Mustafa

Images © Carina König via Getty Images

Typesetting by Delaney Anderson

Meet the original Parker brother, Aiden, in Jessica Cunsolo’s debut novel,

She's With Me

Available now, wherever books are sold.


I’ve always suffered from this horribly disadvantageous condition—it’s called being directionally challenged. It’s self-diagnosed of course, but I’m almost positive it’s an actual thing, so it’s not really my fault that I’m having trouble navigating this maze known as King City High School.

The warning bell rings and animal-like students scramble from their assembled groups and lockers and head to class. Shit. I’m going to be late and I still have no idea where my first class is. It doesn’t help that I can only walk so fast since I hurt myself a few weeks back, and that injury is still healing.

When I got here this morning, the curt secretary sent me off with no more than a map and dismissive “Good luck.” Starting a new school a month and a half into first semester is hard enough—having my face planted in a map would just screamNew girl, eatme alive!, not to mention trash my plan to get through senior year without drawing too much attention to myself. Not that I’d be able to read the map anyway. As I said: directionally challenged.

Pulling out my schedule again, I see that the name printed at the top readsAmelia Collins. It’s a pretty name this time, but it’ll still take some getting used to.

I reread the room number that I’ve already committed to memory, as if reading it again might magically transport me to it. Glancing at my brand new cell phone, I huff out an aggravated breath as I realize I only have five minutes to get to class before I’m late.

“Screw it,” I mutter as I rush aimlessly down the hall while searching my shoulder bag for the school map—I really hate being late.

Not really paying attention to where I’m going, I’m blindsided by a group of giant walking trees slash teenage boys. They’re talking and joking among themselves—walking through the halls as if they own the whole school. Without slowing down, I hug close to one wall, and reach into my bag to grab my map. Instantly, I’m thrown back as I collide with an outcrop of bricks, stopping just short of falling on my butt. Who designs a stupid wall to stick out like that?

My belongings have poured out everywhere, and I grab them hastily before quickly turning around, only to come face to face with something both hard and human, if the colorful curses are any indication. My stuff crashes onto the floor again as the pain in my ribs intensifies.

Great. Just freaking great.