Page 98 of Lonely for You Only

“I feel like we’re going ’round and ’round with this conversation,” I finally tell Tate, because it’s true.

“We are. Though that’s mostly your fault. If you would just answer my questions, Scar, we’d be a lot farther ahead.” He’s teasing. I can tell by his bright smile. The way his eyes sparkle. He really has the most expressive face.

A sigh leaves me, and I’m propping my elbow on the table again, resting my chin on top of my curled fist while I watch him. “You want the truth?”

He nods, looking eager. “Definitely.”

I push past the nerves that suddenly swamp me. “Well, so far I’ve done... absolutely nothing.”

Tate stares at me for a moment, like he needs to absorb what I just said. “Nothing?”

He sounds shocked.

“Not a single thing.” I slowly shake my head.

“You’ve never hooked up with anyone?”

“What constitutes hooking up for you?” I lift my brows.

“Kissing. Feeling each other up, getting each other off with fingers, oral sex,” he ticks off rapidly. “Actual sex counts too.”

“The only person I’ve ever really kissed is...” Oh, this is embarrassing. “You.”

“Get out,” is his automatic reply.

“I’m serious.”

“I don’t believe you.” He shakes his head, his voice firm.

I knew he wouldn’t believe me.

“It’s true,” I insist. “And I’ve never done anything else either. No feeling each other up, getting each other off with fingers, oral sex, or actual sex.” I repeat his words back to him, refusing to be embarrassed over it.

Though my face is burning hot. And my stomach is twisting, making any appetite I still had disappear.

“My untouched girl,” he murmurs, his brows shooting up the moment the words leave him. “That’s a good song title.”

Like magic his phone appears in his hands and he’s tapping at it, frowning at the screen.

“What are you doing?”

“Adding that to my title list. It’s a good one.” He swipes his finger across his phone screen and pockets it. “Can I be real with you? If you’d admitted to me a few weeks ago that you were a virgin, I’d run screaming from the room.”

I’m vaguely hurt.

“But now, for whatever reason... I’m curious.” He tilts his head to the side, contemplating me. “Do you think of me like I think of you, Scarlett?”

“How do you think of me?”

“You probably don’t want to know.” The grin on his face is rather naughty.

“Now I definitely want to know,” I tell him without hesitation.

“I imagine the two of us... together.”

“Sexually?” My voice is hushed.

He nods. “Definitely. I’d been wondering what you look like naked, but now I have a pretty good idea of that, thanks to the bikini you wore earlier.”