Page 64 of Lonely for You Only

“I think I like your friend.”

Scarlett smiles. “She already loves you. Especially back when you were in Five Car Pileup. Though Aaron was her personal favorite.”

“Right.” I wince, knowing that no matter what, I will never be able to rid myself of the boy band label.

“I really like the idea of us having this personal... agreement. It makes me feel better about this. You and me.” She straightens her shoulders, standing taller. “Are you ready to sign all of the paperwork?”

“Before we call them all back in here, I need to make sure we’re on the same page.”

Her delicate brows draw together, her lips forming the slightest pout. She has a sexy mouth. Memories assail me of the moments I kissed her, and how pleasant those moments were. Nothing earth shattering but...

It could be. Earth shattering. Between us.

Or maybe not. She’s really not my type at all.

“I thought we already were.”

“Just confirming.”

“What exactly do you want to confirm?”

“First, when we make public appearances, we need to look fully invested.” I pause. “In each other.”

“I already said I can do that.” She crosses her arms in front of her chest, which makes her skirt ride up, offering me a glimpse of her slender thighs.

I rub my chin, contemplating her. My fake girlfriend is a total smoke show. “Sometimes, you can come off pretty... rigid.”

“I am not.”

“Prove it then.” Jesus. Why am I picking on her?

“Prove it how?”

Oh, she looks so confused, my sweet little girlfriend. How sheltered has her life been? Can she really manage to act like the sort of confident yet mysterious woman who can snag me?

I mean, I sound like a complete asshole in my own thoughts. But considering I’m currently in demand and I was named inPeople’s “Most Beautiful People” edition at the age of only seventeen—which grossed out a lot of people, but we won’t get into that right now—I am, as Simon describes me, a hot commodity.

And she’s just an heiress who was born into money.

Shit. Iama complete asshole, aren’t I.

“Show me that you can pretend to be totally into me.”

“Can you do the same for me?” she challenges.

I let my gaze roam over her slowly, starting at her black-heel-covered feet, coasting up those impossibly long legs, lingering on her chest, until I finally meet her wide-eyed gaze.

“I think I can manage it,” I drawl.

A soft huff of breath leaves her, and she shifts closer to me, until we’re practically touching. She tilts her head back, her long, wavy hair falling down her back, her dark eyes glittering with challenge.

“Then show me.”



Heat blooms on my skin the longer he stares at me with that hungry gaze. There’s something about Tate that infuriates me.