Page 62 of Lonely for You Only

“Come at you for your video. What you made was good. Great,” I correct when I see her little frown. “I appreciate you doing that.”

“It was my best friend’s idea,” she admits, her teeth sinking gently into her lower lip.

I tear my gaze away from her sexy mouth, not needing the distraction. “Your best friend? You didn’t tell her what’s really going on, did you?”

Scarlett stands and bumps into me, she’s so close. “Of course not. I would never.” Panic flares in her velvety brown eyes, and I lose myself in them for a bit. I don’t remember them being that big. Or that dark. “It was difficult, though. I’m not good at faking stuff like that, especially around Rachel. She knows me better than anyone else.”

“I bet.” I catch her scent again on an inhale, an intoxicating floral that smells expensive. “You’re still good with this, right?”

She offers the tiniest nod, tilting her chin up.

“And you’re okay with all the faking stuff?”

“What do you mean, faking stuff?”

“You read the contract, right?”

Another nod.

“Well, we’re going to have to pretend that we’re together in public. Often. Which means there’s going to be a lot of physical contact. Touching.” I pause. “Kissing.”

“Right.” She releases a shaky breath. “Kissing.”

“You had no problem kissing me the other times we’ve been together,” I remind her.

“I know. And I won’t have a problem for the next six weeks either. It’s not so bad.” She shrugs.

I’m actually insulted. “It’s not so bad? Are you referring to kissing me?”

“Well, yeah.” The way she says it, I fully expect her to add aduhto the end of that sentence. “How bad can it be? You holding my hand. Your arm around my shoulder. Our arms around each other. The occasional peck here and there.”

The occasional peck. This girl...

Has no idea what she’s getting herself into.

“What do your parents think?”

“About you and me? They don’t seem to mind.” A tiny laugh escapes her, and it’s the prettiest sound. “They kind of encourage it.”

“Really.” My voice is flat. Now I’m the one full of doubt.

“Oh yeah. My dad lives for this sort of thing. He’s constantly asking me about you. He keeps up with the gossip sites more than my mom does. Pretty sure he’s seen all of the photos and posts talking about us.”

“And what does he think about it?”

“I’m almost positive he’s enjoying every minute of it, but he’s trying to play it cool. I think he’s waiting for me to bring you around so they can officially meet you as, like, my boyfriend or whatever.” She rolls her eyes, trying to play it off. “I probably should tell him we’re not that serious. Besides, I’m sure you have no interest in hanging out with my parents.”

Huh. I didn’t even think about the parents, though they’re the driving force she wants to rise above. My own parents live just outside the city, and they keep mostly to themselves. They’re not big on celebrity, especially mine, and when I hit rock bottom, Mom eventually came and helped me get cleaned up by forcing me into rehab.

We’re not that close, but our relationship is getting better with time. Pretty sure they still view me as a major disappointment.

“Your dad is into gossip?”

“If he can find a mention about him in a gossip column, his day is made.” Scarlett’s tone is vaguely bitter, and I realize she’s not too thrilled with her dad possibly chasing fame.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing Fitzy again.” I stroke my chin, remembering with fondness how easy that guy is to talk to.

Well, until he was slinging a few thinly veiled threats my way, that is.