Page 59 of Lonely for You Only

Like I can focus on what that asshole is saying. Yes, my former—current (still mind blowing to me that he’s taken me back on)—business manager is an asshole. That isn’t an insult, considering he’d most likely agree with me. But he’smyasshole, and I want him on my side through this dream/nightmare called my career resurgence.

It’s been exhilarating and exciting and terrifying all at once. I forgot how exhausting the constant attention is. Though right now, I’m terrified for a completely different reason. Like the fact that my so-called new girlfriend is almost ten minutes late to our meeting.

Ten minutes isn’t much to sweat, but considering every little thing sets me on edge lately, I can’t help it.

The moment I hear Simon end the call, he starts talking loudly. To me.

“I’ve got a deal in the works for you, and it’s a good one.” He sounds smug.

I whirl around to face him. “For what?”

“High-end fashion line. Up-and-coming designer. You haven’t heard of them yet, but I promise you will. They’re on the verge of breaking out.”

It takes everything I’ve got to not roll my eyes and call bullshit, but if they pay well and don’t cause any online scandal, I’m game. “Sounds great.”

“It will be. You’re going sky high, buddy. Rising straight to the top. Just wait until they see you in action.”

They’ve seen me in action. That’s why I’m having the resurgence. But now I’m starting to doubt it’ll last. Everything hinges on one thing happening, and if she doesn’t come through...

I’m screwed.

“No one is going to see me in action if she doesn’t show up,” I finally say, frustration in every clipped word that drops.

Simon frowns and checks the fat Rolex on his wrist. “Where is your girlfriend anyway?”

“Where’s the lawyer?” I counter, slipping my hand into my pocket, my fingers curling around my phone.

I should text Scarlett. Ask her where the hell she is, but I feel like I can’t come on too strong or make any demands. She’d probably bail.

I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

“She’s in her office. The team is in house, bud. It’s the real deal here.”

“The lawyer is a woman?” I’m shocked. Not because I’m a misogynistic asshole—or maybe I am; I’m not sure—but a woman lawyer handling this fake-ass deal surprises me.

Though I shouldn’t let anything surprise me. Every day lately there’s been a new revelation.

“I surround myself with women, Tate. Haven’t you noticed this by now?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

There’s a knock on the door, and it swings open before Simon can speak, Roger barging in, thrusting his phone out in front of him.

“Did you guys see the latest?” Roger waves the phone in front of Simon’s face, then mine.

I catch a glimpse of Scarlett looking fucking gorgeous on his screen. Reaching out, I swipe the phone from his hand. “What is this?”

“Your girlfriend creating marketing gold, that’s what. I know we gave her topics and a schedule, but she went completely off script.” Roger tips his head in my direction. “Watch it. It’s fucking great. You two are magical.”

I play the video, and Scarlett’s sweet voice fills the room.

“I know it’s completely unbelievable, right? I’m still pinching myself.” She lifts her arm and pinches her wrist with a slight grimace. “But it’s actually happening, and can I just say that Tate Ramsey is like my every dream come true? Am I allowed to say that? I’m probably gushing too much, but I think you’d feel the same way if the guy you used to crush on when you were in middle school was now your boyfriend. Right?”

She looks at the camera, a knowing smile on her face, her eyebrows raised. I realize her face is mostly bare and she’s got a makeup brush clutched between her fingers. I glance down at the caption of the video, which says,GRWM to go c my new bf!

“What does GRWM mean?” Simon asks, glancing over my shoulder.

“Get ready with me,” I murmur, my gaze never straying from Scarlett’s face as she goes through the motions of applying her makeup, the subtle cuts in the video accelerating her process as she keeps up a steady stream of one-sided yet somehow inclusive conversation. About me.