Page 57 of Lonely for You Only

“How do your parents feel about this? I’m sure Fitzy isn’t down, since it’s fake.” Rachel grins. “He’d definitely want it to be real.”

A sigh leaves me. “They don’t know it’s fake.”

Rachel comes to a stop in the middle of my spacious bedroom, her hands resting on her hips. “He doesn’t know? Are you going to tell them the truth?”

I shake my head, wincing when a yelp escapes her. “My father has a hard time keeping things to himself. I’m afraid he’d slip and tell someone the truth by accident.”

“Even with an NDA?”

I nod.

“And your mom?”

“She can’t keep a secret from Dad. She hates secrets. He’d definitely know eventually, and then watch out.” I throw my hands up in the air. “Everyone would find out the truth, and I’d be the laughingstock of the world.”

“I don’t know. I think your dad would keep his mouth shut if it protected your reputation,” Rachel points out. “You’re his little girl. His only girl. He’s rather protective of you.”

“You’re right. He is.” A sigh leaves me. “Part of me doesn’t want to say anything because I’m worried about their reaction. What if I disappoint them when I admit I’m getting involved in a fake relationship as a publicity stunt?”


“They could tell me they won’t let me do it.”

“You’re eighteen. They can’t tell you shit.” Rachel rebels against her parents all the time. She’s the one I’m supposed to go on the European trip with, though we haven’t really planned anything yet.

“I would hate to go against their wishes,” I say.

“You never like to disappoint, so I get it. Well, I love a good secret. And I know how to keep my mouth shut,” Rachel retorts as she resumes her pacing. “You need to put a plan into action.”

“They already have a plan.”

“Who’s ‘they’?” She makes air quotes with her fingers.

“Tate’s team. His business manager, the rep from the record label. The label’s marketing and promotion teams. The lawyers. I’ve reviewed the contract. Looked over the schedule. It’s pretty intense.”

“They sent you aschedule?”

I nod. “It also includes a social media schedule.”

Her mouth drops open for a second before she snaps her lips shut. “Of course they did. Look, all of this protectshim. The precious Tate Ramsey. I’m sure he’s getting, what? A record deal out of this?”

How did she know? “I guess his old label is interested and they’re eager to sign him. They already did for the single.”

“Tate already has a record deal for ‘Red’?”

I nod.

“This is all because of his performance at your party? And the kiss seen ’round the world?”

“Yeah. I suppose so.”

“He owes you then.” Rachel taps her chin with her index finger, contemplative.

“I also think part of the reason they want to sign him is because of... me.”

It sounds ridiculous. I know it does. But I’m pretty sure our supposed relationship is what caused the heightened interest in him in the first place. Well, that and he sang pretty spectacularly at my party.

“You?” Rachel’s delicate brows shoot up. “That wouldn’t surprise me. I mean, look at you. Only daughter of a Lancaster scion. Gorgeous, sweet, great personality. You’re so relatable in real life, and it translates on social media.”