Page 36 of Lonely for You Only

“Scarlett, are you in there?”

I didn’t think I could be any more disappointed than I already was, but I am.

Sighing, I unlock and open the door to find my father standing on the other side, an irritated expression on his face.

“Please don’t tell me you’re mad at me,” I say as he enters my bedroom.

He shuts the door behind him and studies me, concern written all over his face. “Mad at you? Why the hell would I be mad at you? That damn kid is so freaking weak. Why can’t he stand up and say he actually likes you? Is it because of his dragon-lady mother?”

My mouth drops open at my father’s outburst. “I thought you liked the Baldwins?”

“I love Kincaid. He’s my lawyer and my friend, but his wife? She’s a bitch, and their son? He’s a complete pussy.” Dad rests his hands on his hips, scrutinizing me in a way I’ve never seen him do before. “What do you even see in that kid, huh? You’ve been mooning after him for years.”

“I don’t know.” I shrug, suddenly uncomfortable. I don’t want to admit this sort of thing to my father. “He’s... cute.”

Dad snorts. “You could do better.”

I keep talking. “He’s smart. Polite. Steady. Ambitious. I can count on him. He’d take care of me in the future, you know?”

My father’s expression switches from interrogating to incredulous in a second. “He’ll takecareof you? Honey, you can take care of yourself for the rest of your life, and all of your future generations as well. You don’t need a man to help you out in life, though it’s nice to find someone who can be your partner, I can’t deny it. Look at me and your mother.”

They are the epitome of a perfect love story, and while I admire their relationship, I don’t think it’s the kind I’m going to find for myself. I’m built different, and they know it.

“You’re too young to think like that, Scarlett. I don’t want you to settle for something safe.” He sayssafelike it’s a dirty word. “You just turned eighteen! Shouldn’t you be going out and living it up with your crazy friend Rachel?”

My father adores Rachel. I know he wishes I were more like her sometimes. “That’s not my style. It never has been. I want something... quieter.”

“What are you? A wannabe librarian? I’ll tell you what happened—you’vesettledfor something quieter, that’s what you’ve done. You’re far more special than that, sweetheart. I wish you could see it.” He shakes his head. “You should’ve given that kid a chance, let him explain himself.”

“Who? Ian?”

My father grimaces. “Hell no, not that guy. Tate Ramsey. I know you kicked him out pretty fast. Wouldn’t even listen to what he was going to say to you. I think that was a mistake, Scarlett. That kid—he has promise.”


“Fuck that Ian guy. He’s the worst. He will never stand up to his mother, so he sure as hell will never put you first. Mama will always know best. Can’t you see that?”

He’s wrong. People can change. Yes, Ian loves and respects his mother, but if he were to fall in love—maybe even with me—Iknowhe would put his partner first. Look at my parents.

But you’re built different, remember?

I shove the nagging voice inside of my head to the darkest corner of my brain.

“I’m not interested in Tate.”

“Well, maybe you should show a little more interest in Tate so it would light a fire under Ian’s ass and make him do something for once in his goddamn life!” My dad is roaring, he’s so angry.

“Darling, please.”

We both glance over to find my mother entering my room, shutting the door quietly behind her. “Our guests can probably hear you.”

“I don’t give a damn! Their boy is a menace.” My father’s tone is fierce.

“A menace?” Mom appears ready to burst out laughing. “That is not the way I would describe Ian Baldwin. You wish he was a menace.”

“You know what I mean,” Dad says irritably.

“Fitz. Darling. Please return to the living room and attend to our guests.” Mom’s gaze lands on mine, her smile reassuring. “Let Scarlett and I discuss a few things, and then we’ll join you.”