Page 30 of Lonely for You Only

Which doesn’t come for a solid five minutes.

When my phone finally dings, I almost shriek out loud.

Ian: I was always interested.

I don’t bother playing the hesitation game. I respond fast before I lose my nerve.

Me: Then why didn’t you do anything about it? You’ve had your chance for years.

Ian: First off, you were too young. And now...

He’s typing. I can see the gray bubble in our text thread, and I wait, breathless. This could be my chance. He could finally say,Yes, let’s go out on a date. Let’s spend time together, Scarlett. Real, actual time when we act like a couple and not friends.

I close my eyes as I clutch my phone, hoping and wishing I’ll receive the answer I so desperately want.

When the text sounds, I wait for a couple of beats, scared he’s going to turn me down.

Ian: I lost my chance. You’re finally eighteen and look at you. You’re gorgeous. You could have anyone you want, and I’m pretty sure that Tate Ramsey guy wants you.

Ian: You two make a great couple.


That is not what I expected him to say.

There’s a knock on my bedroom door, and in walks my best friend, a determined look on her face that tells me she means business.

“You kissed Tate Ramsey? Seriously? And you didn’t even think to call me? Or text? Or, I don’t know, send a message to me via a raven or something?” Rachel holds out her phone, that damn photo of me and Tate lip locked blown up on her screen. “Look at you two! I’m pretty sure he has his tongue down your throat. Lucky bitch.”


She doesn’t even give me time to explain. “That’s when you snuck off, right? You big liar! I even asked you if you hid away in a corner with Tate or whatever, and you told me no. How could you keep this from me? This is huge!”

There is not even a hint of seriousness in Rachel’s tone, which tells me she’s not truly mad.

“How could I tell you when I knew you’d make a complete scene in the middle of my party?” I shrug, watching as she starts pacing around my room just like I did not even five minutes ago.

“True, true. I would’ve screamed at anyone who was listening that you made out withtheTate Ramsey. How freaking exciting, Scarlett! You’re seeing him again, right?”

“I don’t think so,” I say weakly, noting the disappointment on her face.

“Seriously? Wait a minute.” I could get whiplash from the way she shifts the conversation. “What if this is just a onetime thing and that’s it? What a cool thing to claim, though. On your eighteenth birthday, you made out with the lead singer of a boy band that you crushed on when you were fifteen.”

“Fourteen,” I correct her. “Thirteen, even.”

“Whatever. Semantics.” She waves her hand dismissively, then strides toward my bed and plops her butt on the mattress right next to me. “How was it?”

“How was what?”

“The kiss! Tell me. I needallthe details. Was it good? Better than you dreamed? Better than Ian?” Rachel’s eyebrows shoot up, and I’m sure she’s just waiting for me to bash on Ian.

I think she believes I’ve actually kissed Ian before, and I’ve never really corrected her, because Rachel hooked up with a few guys when we were in high school, and compared to her, I always felt... lacking. She had a serious boyfriend for the last three months of our senior year, only to promptly break up with him the day after we graduated.

“I only wanted a guaranteed date for prom,” she admitted to me after it was over, and I was in shock she was so nonchalant about it.

She had sex with that guy too. Said it was no big deal and she was relieved to finally rid herself of her virgin status. While I’m over here stuck with mine.

“Well?” Rachel asks impatiently, waiting for my answer.