“Looks like they don’t have a problem with it. What’s the song called?”
“Its title is ‘Lonely for You Only.’ It’s a play on Five Car Pileup’s song ‘Lonely for You,’” I explain.
“That’s the only song that went number one for you guys, huh?”
“Yeah.” I nod. “I literally just wrote it.”
Jimmy frowns, his expression wary. “Wait, so it’s not recorded for the album?”
“Uh, not yet.”
“Can’t wait to hear it.” Jimmy’s smile is brittle, and I can tell this isn’t what he expected.
There’s another commercial break, and I go to the side of the stage, where the band waits. It’s the guys I used while recording the album, and we’ve been going over the song all damn day, me trying to get it just right.
They sound great. The music is solid. It’s me I’m worried about. I don’t want to choke. Or look like a fool.
That’s the biggest one. Looking like a fool.
Okay, scratch that. The worst fear is that Scarlett won’t see me perform. Or she will and won’t give a shit. That I’ve already blown it.
All I’ve done since she left is work on this damn song. I wanted to call her, text her, but this is such a bigger declaration. It might be a mistake, but I had to do it this way. Show her that I love her in front of the whole damn world.
And fuck the consequences.
It was a risk, me coming on this show. Simon didn’t want me to do it. Roger was all for it. He’s trying to salvage the album, while Simon is trying to salvage my reputation. Both feel like they’re in the toilet, but maybe...
Maybe not. The audience’s reaction has been positive all evening. Now that I’m about to perform, though, I’m full of nerves.
Worry. Plenty of worry.
Jimmy announces me and the song, and the guitar starts, a melodic, almost melancholy sound. I grip the microphone and close my eyes, telling myself it’s going to be all right.
I’m going to kill it.
The words flow from me without thought. About longing and need. About meeting a sunshine girl with flashing brown eyes and a laugh like a song. How I fell in love and can’t think about anyone else.
Nothing will do
Only you
I’m lonely for you only
Missing you so bad
You’re the best I’ve ever had
In love with a girl who feels the same
Do you feel the same?
Are you lonely for me only, or is it all a game?
I run through the rest of the song with ease, giving it my all. My voice sounds good. The audience is swaying to the music. Even singing along with the chorus the second time around. Hell, even Jimmy is nodding his head to the beat, a faint smile on his face. And when the final note hits and I pull away from the mic, the audience erupts into overwhelming applause.
Jimmy runs up and gives me a hug, a grin on his face as he murmurs, “If she doesn’t respond to that performance, then something is seriously wrong with her.”