Page 46 of Camera Shy

‘Hmm.Thatsounds promising.Itake it you’re having a good time then?’Jessdetected the naughty insinuation inElodie’svoice.

‘No…Imean, yes, butIneed them because when we returned fromGabriel’schateau?—‘

‘Wait.Gabrieltook you to his chateau?’

‘Justfor a few days.’

‘Huh.Hehasn’t even taken me to his chateau.’

Jesssmiled, pleased that it had been as special as she thought. ‘Itwas a real spur-of-the-moment thing.’


‘Anyway, his old friendJohnsonLeewas waiting for us?—’

‘Thatold letch?Hehits on me whenever he comes to visit, like he’s going to de-lesbian me.It’sbecome a ritual.’Contraryto her words,Elodiesounded fond of him.

‘Well, he wants to stay the night, soIneed to change the sheets.’

Elodiesnorted. ‘Iwouldn’t bother.Youonly slept in it for what, two nights?’Onenight,Jesscorrected in her head. ‘It’snot worth the laundry.Besides, he’s used to sleeping in much worse, in his line of work.’

‘Ifyou’re sure…’Hermother would be appalled.Ifsomebody else even touched the guest bed, she’d change it.

‘I’msure.Butlisten, do me a favour?Don’tlet them drink too much.Abottle or two is fine, but after that, they both start getting maudlin.Nota good scene.’

Jessblew air out of her lips. ‘I’lldo my best.’Shedidn’t wantGabrielto get drunk either.Noton her last night.

‘Areyou still leaving tomorrow?’

Thefamiliar lump formed inJess’sthroat. ‘Yup.Onthe eleven o’clockEurostar.’Althoughif things went the way she wanted tonight, then she’d be coming back soon.

‘Well, find me onFacebook.Let’skeep in touch.’

‘Willdo.’Shewondered ifElodieever posted pictures of her brother.


I’msure this isn’t really goodbye,Jessthought.

Frombehind the door, she heard an explosion of laughter.


Aftertidying the flat,making the bed, and gathering up the few items she hadn’t brought to the chateau,Jessreturned upstairs, openingGabriel’sdoor in the middle of one ofJohnson’sstories.

‘Andthen the waitress says, “That’snot a cockroach.Thisis a cockroach!”’Loudlaughter ensued andJesswished that she’d heard the rest of the story, glad thatGabrielwas enjoying himself.Onthe kitchen island, she spotted two open bottles of wine, one already empty.


Shedropped the box containingPierrethePig’sremains on the counter, threw her other things on the bed inGabriel’sroom, and then returned to collect her wine glass.Now, where should she sit?GabrielandJohnsonoccupied either side of the olive green sofa, which faced the big bank of windows overlooking the street.Itwould be too squashed for her to join them, even if she snuggled intoGabriel.Instead, she insinuated herself into an armchair on the other side of the glass coffee table, her back to the windows, and tucked her legs underneath her.

Gabrielhadn’t even looked at her since she’d returned.Talkabout being a gooseberry.

Jesscontemplated the attachment these two must have to each other.Toshare an experience like a kidnapping bonded them like brothers.Therewould always be conversations that only the two of them could have.

Sheshifted in her seat and sipped from her glass, barely listening to them.Instead, she tried to figure out what to say toGabriellater.Howcould she convince him to fight for a relationship with her?

Abell sounded.