Yoga!Jessloved yoga.Shethrew the covers off and bounded out of bed. ‘Well, if you don’t mind company and you have another mat…’Shereached her arms in the air, arching her backlike a happy cat, and his eyes roamed hungrily up and down her naked body.
‘Fuckyoga,’ he said, striding around the bed and pulling her to him.Henibbled on her neck andJessfelt his erection ready for action.
Muchas she wanted to do that, too, they had all day and the idea of sunrise yoga appealed to her.Anothernew experience.Besides, she needed a good stretch after their workouts last night, and she hadn’t done any of her normal exercise since arriving inFrance.After, they could have more sex.
‘Uh, uh, uh,’ she said, wagging her finger and pulling firmly away. ‘Discipline,mon chéri.Yogafirst.’
‘Yes, ma’am.’Hesaluted.
Thisdynamic was becoming a thing for them and she was enjoying every second.
Atthe back of the chateau, she followed him down the short stairs onto a patch of green, dewy grass.Thesun peeked over the horizon to her right, softly illuminating the landscape.Thetemperature was cool, but not uncomfortably chilly.
Thechateau’s garden stretched as far as her eye could see, a tangle of weeds and shrubs and crumbling stone sheds that abutted the distant tree-line of the forest.Inher head, she imagined this land transformed one day: profusions of colourful dahlias, a fruit orchard, vegetable patches, and a gazebo with beanbags for curling up with a good book on lazy, sunny afternoons.Fora moment, the vision was so real that it replaced the evidence before her eyes.Sheshook her head and the mirage faded away.
Gabrielhanded her a yoga mat and spread out a towel for himself.Hewore only a pair of black boxer briefs.Themost yoga-friendly clothing she had was a bra and the bottoms from her camisole set.Thecool morning air made her skingoosebump all over, her nipples clearly hardening through the thin fabric.
‘Idon’t know howI’msupposed to concentrate with you looking like that,’ he growled.
Shejust smiled.Sheknew exactly how he felt.Ashe moved into his first flows, her eyes swept over his chiselled torso and muscular thighs.Shewondered if his prosthetic limb would affect his balance.
Whensome people say they ‘do yoga’, what they mean is that they perform a series of gentle, relaxing poses and lie down with their eyes closed a lot.Neitherof them subscribed to that.Jesswas heartened to see thatGabrielpractised the same kind of yoga as her: the kind where he held the forms until his body shook, muscles flexing, pushing himself to his limits.
‘Youknow,’ he said as he watched her complete herchataranga. ‘Thisis giving me some excellent ideas for positions we could try later.’
Shelaughed at the same time as a jolt of anticipation shot up her middle. ‘Down, dog,’ she joked.
Eventually, she fell into sync with his programme, flowing from warrior two into reverse warrior, into side angle down into a plank.
Lookingat her with a wicked twinkle in his eyes, he challenged her, ‘BetIcan hold a plank longer than you.’
Afterglancing at her watch and marking the time, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing, expanding her ribcage to maximum capacity and then letting the air trickle out through her nose.Shefocused her attention on the titter of birdsong floating through the air.
Fiveminutes in,Gabrielgrunted.
‘Howyou holding up?’ she asked breezily.Shechecked her watch again.Perhapsshe should have mentioned thatshe’d recently completed a plank challenge where she held the position for ten minutes a day. ‘Allokay?’
‘Mm-hmm.’Outof the corner of her eye, she perceived him shaking with exertion.
Finally, he succumbed, collapsing onto the ground. ‘Ugh!Igive up.’
Shelowered herself to the mat in a controlled manner, even though her own muscles burned, and rolled onto her side with a wide grin on her face. ‘Sowhat doIwin?’
Gabrielspent the next thirty minutes giving her the prize.
WhenGabrielboughtthis secluded chateau, the last thing on his mind had been what a perfect place it would be to lay naked in the backyard with a beautiful woman, the sun drying the sweat of exertion on their sated bodies.
Yet, here they were.
Thishad to be his idea of heaven.
Theyboth lay on his towel, the yoga mat rolled up as a pillow and one ofJess’slong legs thrown carelessly over him like they didn’t have any worries in the world.
Hecould get used to this.
Tomorrow, they would head back toParis.Thursday,Jesswould return toLondon, and he’d return to his old life.Hisheart clenched and for a beat he forgot to breathe.