Page 24 of Camera Shy

Asmuch as mulling over the reasons for the demise of her relationship occupied her, the memory of last night also wouldn’t leave her alone.She’dthought about it on and off allday long, still blushing when some of the ways she’d allowed him to pleasure her flickered behind her eyes.Whoknew that a finger up the bum could be so…effective.Shewould never have letKrishor any of her other exes do that.

Parishas changed you,she thought and laughed.

Strippingout of her sundress and bra, she slid into a rosy pink camisole and matching shorts.Engagementpyjamas.She’dbought some seriously amazing undergarments for this trip.Thesensation of the silk against her skin did nothing to calm the raging awareness of her own body that last night’s memories had stirred up in her.

Shebrushed her teeth and crawled into bed, checking the time on her alarm clock.Eleveno’clock.

Iwonder ifGabrielis awake.

Thethought landed in her head like a well-aimed dart.Shecurled up under the covers and tried to get comfortable, but the words kept repeating in her head.

Whatif he was upstairs, wondering if she was downstairs?Shedidn’t have his number, so couldn’t call him.Hesaid he’d call her if he had time, but…it wasSundaynight.Whatif he was just being polite?

Aftereverything thatElodiehad told her about him,Jesswanted to see him again, to hold him in her arms.Maybeeven to go all the way with him.

Shegiggled and covered her face with her hand.Allthe way?!Whatwas she?Ateenager?

Still, once she admitted it to herself, the idea wouldn’t leave her alone.Whatharm would it cause?Shewas leaving in a few days.Theywould both get on with their lives, and she’d have new memories to warm herself on cold winter nights.

Besides, at present, she wasYesJess!

Throwingthe covers off, she placed her feet on the floor with conviction: she was going to knock on his door.Jessgrabbeda cardigan and wrapped it around herself, not because she was cold, but just in case she ran into anyone in the hallway.Hercamisole wasn’t exactly opaque.

Ontiptoes, she crept out of her flat and pulled the door closed behind her.Herfeet padded across the cold checkered tiles towards the lift.WhatamIdoing?Thisfelt delightfully naughty for someone who had followed the rules her whole life.

Ahuge smile cut across her face.Thelift doors opened and she was mortified to see a couple in their seventies already in there, dressed like they’d just come back from a show.Closingher eyes and pursing her lips,Jessstepped into the lift and spent an awkward minute staring at the ascending numbers on the panel next to the door.Thesepeople hadn’t been born yesterday, and she practically hadBootyCallwritten on her forehead.

Thelift stopped at the sixth floor and the couple got out.Asshe left, the woman winked atJessand gave her a knowing nod.Jesswanted to die.Couldthis be any more humiliating?

Shegot out on the top floor and stood in front ofGabriel’sdoor, chewing on her lip and staring at the handle.Nowthat she was here, doubt slithered through her.Anumber of scenarios presented themselves like a slide show in her head.

1.He’snot home.

2.He’shome, but he’s not interested.

3.He’shome, but there’s somebody already with him.

Sugarhoney iced tea.Shehadn’t even considered that last one until now.Whatif there was another woman in there?Itwas possible.

Butin her heart, she knew there wasn’t.Sheremembered that morning, when she’d implied that she was nobody to him, and he’d turned to her and said: ‘That’snot true.You’resomebody.’Thosewords had shot straight to her heart.

Jesstook a deep breath and blew it out fast.Itwas now or never.Withrenewed sense of purpose, she knocked on his doorand waited for a minute.Noanswer.Perhapsshe hadn’t knocked hard enough.Shedid it again.

Stillno answer.

Shepressed her ear to the wood, listening for any sound.Shecouldn’t hear anything.

Hershoulders slumped with disappointment.Ithad taken a lot to work herself up to come to his flat.Shehad once heard an interview onRadio4 whereSusieDentcoined the phrase ‘anticipointment.’That’swhatJessfelt now: the perfect marriage of anticipation and disappointment.

Witha frown, she turned to go.

That’swhen she heard the scream.


Withoutthinking,Jessdialled the code forGabriel’sdoor, which she had thanks to her obsessive need for clean teeth.

Onceinside, she heard the strangled scream again. ‘Fatima!’