Page 49 of Camera Shy

Panicking, he pushedJohnson’sfeet off his lap and stood, needing a moment to get his balance.Hisstump itched from being in the silicon sock for too long.Usually, he took it off to sleep after washing his stump thoroughly, but last night he’d passed out without doing his ablutions.Johnsonand he really needed to stop this destructive routine they had going.Gabrielwas getting too old for this shit.

Stilldizzy, he stumbled to his bedroom to find it empty.Herbag was gone.Hechecked his watch.Itsaid 10AM, but he didn’t know what time her train was leaving from the station.Thinkingthey’d have last night, they’d never discussed it.

Hiseye caught on the piece of paper next toFatima’spicture.Witha sinking feeling, he limped over and read it.


Thankyou for taking care of me this week.I’llnever forget it.Pleasebe kind to yourself and remember to smile.Hopingyou find happiness one day.Youdeserve it.


Thewords sliced like daggers.Whathad he done?

Yesterday, after the accident, his brain broke.Thatwas the only way he could think to describe it.Betweenthe intrusive thoughts about howJesscould have died swirling in his head, mixed with the appearance ofJohnsonand all the memories and feelings he brought with him,Gabriel’sbrain short-circuited.Itwas like the realGabrielwas trapped in a glass cage inside and was screaming to get out, but theGabriel-in-Chargeignored it.Hepushed it away, like he’d ignored and pushedJessaway last night.Hejust couldn’t handle the world he’d carefully built withher over the past few days colliding with the one he shared withFatimaandJohnson.

Heread the note again.

Afeeling swelled in his chest.Onepart nausea, one part fear, but most parts regret.Nowthat she’d gone, he knew he wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.Thelast few days had reminded him of the person he used to be, but better.Heliked it.Jesswas the person who helped to free theGabrielin the cage.

Andhe’d let her leave without saying goodbye.

Somewherein the apartment, he heard the sounds of retching.Johnsonmust be up.

Nomatter.Gabrielhad to findJess.Quickly, he took off his prosthesis, wiped out the socket, cleaned his stump, found a new sock, and put it back on again.Hewouldn’t be able to walk properly unless he tended to it, and not doing it would just hold him back.Ittook him less than two minutes.Justas fast, he changed his clothes, took two headache pills and, as an afterthought, downed some antacids to manage the results of his hangover.Brushinghis teeth, he noticed that she’d left her toothbrush behind and he was struck with the urge to cuddle it.

Shakinghis head, he located his phone on the kitchen island and dialled his sister.

‘Allo?’ she answered.

‘Hey, do you know what timeJess’strain is taking off today?’ he said, desperation colouring his voice.

Shescoffed, ‘Niceto hear from you, too.’


Withan exasperating know-it-all tone, she said, ‘Asa matter of fact,Ido.’

Hewaited. ‘Okay.’Deadair. ‘Areyou going to tell me?’

‘Bof.’Sheseemed in no hurry.Thiswas no time for games.Herattitude made him want to scream, in a way only little sisterscould provoke. ‘Firstspill the beans.Whathappened?Didyou andJohnsonget blazing drunk?’


‘Anddid you pass out?’


‘AnddidJessdecide she didn’t need your bullshit and leave your ass?’

Hegulped, his heart crumpling like a tin can.Thesickness in his stomach had nothing to do with his hangover. ‘Yes.’

‘You’rea complete dickhead.Youknow that?’

Ha.She’sright.Forthe first time, he realised the voice in his head sounded like bothFatimaand his sister.Theywere ganging up on him. ‘C’mon!Justfucking tell me.’Hispatience wore thin.

‘Eleveno’clock.You’llnever make it.’Shesounded both angry and disappointed in him.

‘Watchme.’Hehung up the phone.