Page 38 of ASAP

“You can’t know that for sure. She caught me by surprise.Youdidn’t really put up much of a fight with Jaewoo.”

“I was too distracted by you losingon purpose.”

“Was it that obvious?” I bite my lip. The plan won’t work if people believe I was trying to help Hyemi.

“It wasn’t,” Nathaniel says, in a gentler voice than when he accused me not a moment before. “What are you up to, Sori?”

Yesterday I’d told Sun everything, even about Joah’s financial difficulties, but telling Nathaniel feels different. For one, I don’t want to burden him when he’s on hiatus after working so hard for the past year. And another, for all his rebellious ways, Nathaniel hasa strong sense of justice—that’s one of the many things I admire about him, that he speaks out against things he feels are wrong or unfair. Which is why I can’t tell him that my mother is only debuting Hyemi for her father’s financial support. I don’t want him to think badly of her.

And, I’ll admit, there’s a small part of me that wonders if he’ll think badly ofmefor helping her. I knew Sun wouldn’t think twice about it, as toeing the moral line is par for the course for people like us, whose parents are in the topmost echelon of Korean society.

I can, however, answer his question with some of the truth. “You know Dream Music, the company Joah recently acquired? They already had a girl group set to debut at the time of the acquisition. Hyemi’s joining this group, ASAP, as their youngest member, except she hasn’t had any formal training. She has less than two weeks to learn the choreography, record her part in the title track, and rehearse for the group’s debut showcase.

“The other day, right before the scandal, actually, I told my mother I didn’t want to debut as an idol anymore. We made a deal that if I got Hyemi ready for the showcase in time, she’d let me figure out what it is I actually do want to do. I can walk away free, no strings attached.” Sun had reminded me about my contract, which I’ll ask Secretary Park about nullifying, but it shouldn’t be a problem. My mother and I have never broken promises to each other. “I’m the best person to help Hyemi, since I’m sort of a professional trainee at this point.”

The whole time I’ve been speaking, Nathaniel’s kept the same expression, only frowning slightly when I said I’d changed mymind about debuting as an idol. I wonder if he’ll say something now to talk me out of it. Before Gi Taek and Angela,hewas the one who supported my dream the most.

“So you’re telling me Hyemi basically has to join the group ASAP.”

I roll my eyes, not missing the double entendre.

“That makes sense,” he says. “Why you’d help her, and not just because of the deal with your mother. You like helping people.”

My face warms at his words. He sounds so genuine, as if it were that simple for him. “You don’t think I’m making a mistake?”

He doesn’t answer immediately, and I appreciate that, because it means he’s taking my question seriously. “You’re not a rash person,” he says slowly, “and I mean that as a compliment.” I wonder if he’s remembering New York, and how he said I wasn’t impulsive. “You think things through, from all different angles. You really take care of yourself. Emotionally. Mentally. It’s what makes you reliable, and why you’re the perfect person to look out for Hyemi.”

Now it’s not just my face that feels warm but all of me.

After talking with Nathaniel, I realize I’ve spoken to everyone important in my life about this, everyone whose opinion I care about the most.

Who I care about the most. And I do care about Nathaniel. That, at least, I can admit to myself. I care about his well-being. I worry for him. I want him to be happy and safe.

“Nathaniel,” I say. “Nadine told me you’re the only one at the apartment right now, and with the tabloid reporters loiteringoutside, it’s difficult to leave...” I take a deep breath. “Would you like to stay here, at my house, while you’re on hiatus?”

It’s the favor Nadine asked of me. At the time, I’d considered it for one main reason, and that hasn’t changed—to return the favor of that summer I spent with his family in New York—but now, I want to do this for his sake, because I care about him, as a friend.

Nathaniel drops his eyes, only to lift them. “Can I give you an answer tomorrow?”

“Of course,” I say hurriedly. “I sprung this on you.” My face heats up. He must feel uncomfortable at the thought of staying at his ex-girlfriend’s house. I’m too embarrassed to look at him, so I look down at my empty bowl.

Nadine had also said he had a secret work-related project. It’s possible he wants to stay near his apartment for that, as well.

“Thanks, Sori,” he says. When I glance up to meet his gaze, his eyes are warm. “I appreciate the invite.”

“Did you get a chance to talk to Hyemi?” I say, hoping the change of subject will cover my embarrassment. “She’s sweet. You’d like her. She’s not that much younger than us. And she’s Canadian. Her first language is English.”

“Is she?” Nathaniel says, letting out a yawn.

I look at my phone to see we’ve been sitting in the kitchen for almost an hour.

“You’re exhausted. Come on, let me show you to your room.” We clean up our dishes together and head back through the dining room and up the stairs to the second floor.

“My mother’s room is that last one,” I say, pointing down thehall to the closed double doors. “Don’t worry. She’s never here. She only comes to the house to pick up clothing and spends her nights at the office.”

Nathaniel frowns. “You live alone?”

“I have a housekeeper. She comes during the weekdays and stays overnight. This is the guest bedroom.” I press open the door, letting it swing wide.