Page 83 of ASAP

Byeol and Rina shiver.

“Like,” Nathaniel says, at the same time I hold up theOsign. “Sori likes all animals.”

“This is revealing a lot about your relationship, Sori-ssi,” Woogi says. “Are you sure you’re not more than friends?” He laughs, clearly meaning for his words to be a jest.

“Last question. You already won the donation of?1000000, so this bonus round is for an extra?500000 toward a charity of Nathaniel’s choice. Sori-ssi, hold up whether you like or dislike...”

“Nathaniel Lee of XOXO,” Woogi finishes.

“You should clarify, Oppa,” Woori scolds. “She just admitted that they’ve been friends for six years. Of course she likes him.”

Woogi clears his throat. “Let me rephrase, do you have feelings that are more than friendship for Nathaniel Lee of XOXO?”

Yes, I want to answer.

Before I can, Nathaniel says, “I’ll donate?500000 of my own.”

“You don’t want her to answer?”

“I know the answer.”

The guests, and the hosts, swoon.

“Thank you so much for playing with us, Nathaniel-ssi! Do you have anything you want to say to Sori-ssi before you go?”

“Nathaniel!” It’s that voice again. “Who are you talking to?” the girl says in English. “It’s your turn at bat!”

“I have to go,” Nathaniel says. “Thanks for having me.” The phone line goes dead.

“Oppa, is it just me, or do you have a feeling of déjà vu?” Woori asks.

“I feel it too, Woori. Nathaniel-ssi sounds similar to your ex-boyfriend, doesn’t he, Sori-ssi? Maybe it’s that they have similar personalities?”

I’m barely listening to what they’re saying, a keening in my ears.

I recognized that voice. Hyemi.


After the show, I jump into a taxi. Looking up the batting cages nearest to Hyemi’s apartment, I give the address to the driver and sit back in the seat. I’m only going because I’m worried about Hyemi. She told me that she has feelings for Nathaniel. If she confesses to him, his rejection, however gentle, will devastate her. He must have invited her out to make her feel better, though I can’t figure outhowthey ended up there together.

It’s not just a simple crush she confessed to having either. I can see her text from three nights ago even when I close my eyes.I think I’m in love with Nathaniel.

I text Gi Taek and Angela on the way, for moral support.

So you’re going there so that you can talk to Hyemi?Gi Taek writes.

He’s still typing when Angela adds,It has nothing to do with the fact that Hyemi is with Nathaniel, and you want to make sure there’s nothing going on between them?

Yes, I type quickly.The first.

Okay, whatever you say!???.

How do you even know where he is?This from Gi Taek.

I type out the long explanation of how I was on the radio show and Nathaniel said he was at the batting cages.

Won’t his fans do the same thing?