Page 86 of Loved Enough

Smiling, I ran my hand down Tesoro’s neck. “She has.”

After about a week of rest, I’d been able to show up each day and work with Tesoro. The only other person she trusted fully was Lily. Every day, we’d make our way to the pasture and work with her and Juniper. I couldn’t do much for a few weeks, since I still had to take it easy with my broken ribs, but it was almost like the horses sensed my injuries.

I’d told Lily what steps to do while standing off to the side. Tesoro would often make her way over to stare at me. I was pretty sure it was her way of ensuring I was okay. I’d give her a loving touch and, satisfied, she’d turn and head back over to Lily.

I’d been cleared to start some easy riding, but Tanner had insisted I wait a couple more weeks and get another X-ray to make sure both my ribs and lung had healed. I did as asked, and now, today was the day.

“Be careful.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see Tanner at the fence. Lily pressed her lips together tightly to keep from laughing.

The relationship between me and Tanner had changed since my accident. At first, despite his assurances, I still thought it was because of Lily. But I slowly began to believe that Tannerdidthink of me as more than just an employee or his daughter’s boyfriend. Timberlynn, as well. Hell, the whole Shaw family. They’d somehow managed to draw me into their fold and welcome me into the family. I still had moments when I would freak out and second-guess everything, but those moments were happening less and less.

Running my hand along Tesoro’s side, I placed the riding pad on her back. Lily had done this a dozen times. She’d stoodon a step and had leaned over Tesoro’s back, getting her used to the weight. The first time she’d jumped up and sat on her, I nearly cried. I’d wanted it to be me, but clearly that wasn’t what was supposed to happen.

“Dad, I’ve ridden her four times now without incident.”

“I know. It’s just…he’s only just getting back to riding. The last thing I want is for him to get thrown.”

My heart squeezed in my chest as I looked over to Tanner. “I promise I won’t get thrown.”

“Stop being such a nag!” Timberlynn stated as she wrapped her arm around Tanner’s waist.

“Any day now, Mav!” Nathan called out.

Giving her brother a dirty look, Lily cried out, “Nathan!”

He shrugged. “What? I have baseball practice, and I want to see if he gets thrown.”

I was the only one who laughed at that. “Okay, girl. Shall we do this?”

Tesoro let out a little snort, and I chuckled again.

Lifting myself up and over, I settled onto the pad. Tesoro stayed perfectly still. Now, looking back at me as if to make sure I was okay, she gave a little head bob.

“Let’s go for a walk with your boy, shall we?”

Tanner opened the gate as Lily and Juniper headed out first, followed by me and Tesoro.

Lily looked back at me. “We’ll lead the way. I want to show her our special place.”

“Have a good time!” Timberlynn called out.

I glanced back and saw that she and Tanner stood together, hand in hand. When Timberlynn wiped a tear away, I looked at Tanner. He smiled and waved.

It warmed my heart that they were just as moved at seeing the progress of Tesoro as I was.

As Lily headed down the trail, I knew exactly where we were going. To the rise that overlooked the ranch. Tesoro would love the walk there, and I had to admit, I looked forward to seeing the view. It was late September, so the colors would be beautiful.

Tesoro made her way up and walked next to Juniper, allowing for me and Lily to carry on an easy conversation. We talked about a new program we wanted to set up for horses who’d gone through difficult situations and needed a bit of extra care. Now that Nathan was taking more of an interest in training the horses to ride, and Lily had been concentrating on the mustang rescue and Tesoro, she’d discovered her love of helping horses that were a bit damaged.

Tanner and Timberlynn’s plan was to slowly start taking more and more time away, especially with Nathan showing such a strong interest in running the training program.

“Nathan still doesn’t want to go to college?” I asked.

Lily shook her head. “He said he doesn’t feel like there’s a need for it. I have no issue with taking over the business side of things when Mom and Dad eventually step down. I don’t see Mom wanting to give that up anytimetoosoon, though.”

“I don’t see that either. Idoget why they want to start taking a step back. I heard Tanner and Brock talking about going on a cruise with Ty Jr. and Kaylee and your grandparents.”