Page 5 of Loved Enough

“I love horses more than people, so that’s probably why they like me back.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s more than that. I’ve seen you with them. You have a way about you that makes them feel at ease. I think it’s the way you touch them.”

His fingers tightened on my waist for a moment before they loosened. I found myself drawing in a quick intake of air.

Looking away, Maverick scanned the room.

“Will you be coming over for my dad’s birthday dinner?”

“Your mom asked me to join the family, but I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know? Maverick, my father thinks of you as a son.”

Something passed over his face before he cleared his throat and stepped away, just as the song ended. “Thank you. For both dances, Lily.”

Strangely, I missed his touch. I brushed off the feeling and smiled at him. He was, after all, incredibly handsome. What womanwouldn’twant to be in his arms? “It was nice dancing with a man who doesn’t step on my toes. Ben is terrible at dancing.”

He chuckled. “Well, I better let you get back to your friends. I’ll walk you back to your table.”

Grinning at him, I said, “A horse whispereranda gentleman.”

He lowered his voice and said, “I’m not a gentleman all the time, Lily.”

The way his eyes turned dark when he said those words made me bite down on my lip. Had he meant for that to sound so sexual? Or had I just imagined it? My mind instantly went to an image of Maverick’s mouth on my body, and I shivered.

“Are you cold?” he asked, a slight smirk on his face.

I shook my head but wasn’t able to muster up any words.

Before I could think on it another second, he stopped walking, and I realized we’d returned to my table. “Thank you again for the dance.”

Feeling out of sorts, I nodded. “Um, yes, thank you.”

Maverick turned to Renee and Ben, wished them a good night, and turned to walk across the room toward my mother and father.

“Nowthatis eye-fucking.”

I hadn’t realized I’d been staring at him retreating until Renee’s words pulled me away. “What?”

“You, eye-fucking the hot cowboy who cleans up real nice. How did it feel dancing with him?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Renee. They danced, it wasn’t like they were dry humping on the dance floor.”

I slipped into my seat and picked up my water. My mouth had gone dry. When I finished drinking, I glared at Ben. “How could you make him feel like he’s less than me?”

Ben’s eyes went wide. “What do you mean?”

“The comment you made about him working for my father. So what? He’s more than just a ranch employee, Ben.”

“Oh really? You sneaking into the barn with him, are you?” he asked, a smirk on his face.

Every part of me wanted to say yes, just to see what his reaction would be. So when the next words tumbled out of my mouth, I wasn’t the least bit surprised.

“Maybe I am. And maybe he’s the best I’ve ever had.”

Renee nearly spat her wine across the table. “What? Are you sleeping with him?”

Ben’s mouth hung open in utter shock.