Page 99 of Loved Enough

I shook my head. “Not at all. This is…it’s wonderful. I was just thinking about how our kids are going to have this. All this love and happiness. You can feel it in the room. It just reminds me of what I missed out on but am so damn grateful that I have it now.”

Glancing around at her family, Lily smiled. “Youcanfeel it. And they’ll be lucky indeed to have so many people who love them.”

A short time later, Kaylee stood. “Okay. This year, it’s the men’s turn to clean up.”

A few groans filled the room, but Brock stood willingly enough, as did Dirk, who yelled out, “No bitching.”

“Dirk!” Merit admonished. “The babies?”

He winced. “Shit, I forgot.”

“Oh my God, Dirk!” Kaylee sighed, hitting him on the back of the head. “Organize the men, will you?”

Lily stood and went to grab her plate, but I stopped her. “Nope. You go enjoy your time with the ladies.”

“You sure you’re okay alone with all of these cowboys?”

Taking a quick look around the room, I brushed my lips across hers. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll watch his back,” Bradly said with a wicked grin.

Lily narrowed her eyes. “I don’t like that smug smile on your face, Bradly Littlewood.”

Now he gave her a puppy dog look. “Whatever do you mean, sweet cousin?”

“Oh, please,” Lily laughed, giving Bradly a friendly push. “You are so full of shit, you stink!”

“Go have fun,” I told her. “I’ll help here and catch up with you in a bit.”

Lily frowned, biting down on her lower lip. “Are yousure?”

“Yes! Go. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Her brows lifted, as Bradly let out a bark of laughter.

“Prescott! Get your butt in here and put the purple gloves on,” Tanner shouted. “You’re on wash-up duty!”

Leaning in so only Lily and Bradly could hear, I asked, “Is it too soon to be sick?”

Lily giggled as Bradly grabbed my arm, dragging me toward the kitchen as he threw his head back and let out an evil laugh. “Say goodbye to your sweetheart and join me in the kitchen, horse whisperer!”

With one last look at Lily, I caught her covering her mouth to keep from laughing. I gave her a resigned smile before I was dragged into the belly of the beast.

Chapter Twenty-Two


After watching my poor future husband get dragged into the kitchen by Bradly, I made my way to the family room. I was stuffed full and feeling a bit tired. It was crazy how the first few months of a pregnancy could wear you out. Guess that’s what happens when you grow a little person inside you.

I made my way over to where Rose, Kipton, Morgan, Avery, and Georgiana were seated. They were taking turns feeling Kipton’s stomach. I dropped down onto the floor in front of her. “Is she moving?”

With a wide grin, Kipton nodded. “She’s been really active.”

“Are you and Maverick going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl?” Avery asked. “Please say yes! I got some adorable outfits for Kipton and Hunter in Paris.”

I shrugged. “We keep going back and forth. One minute I want to know, and the next, I don’t.”

“Will you be living in Maverick’s cabin?”