Page 9 of Loved Enough

Timberlynn and I exchanged a confused look.

“I hate dogs, Mom.”

“Since when?” Timberlynn asked.

“I mean, I love our two dogs and the ranch dogs, but I don’t likeotherdogs. Remember that one dog that tried to bite my hand off? I’ll never forget the look in his eyes. He was ready to tear me limb from limb.”

Timberlynn’s mouth fell open, and she blinked at her son for a good thirty seconds before placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head in question. I imagined that was the look most mothers gave their kids when they were exasperated by them.

“Do you mean the little Yorkie you tried to feed a piece of bacon to…when you weresevenyears old?”

“That dog wasn’t little. And it bit me!”

Rolling her eyes, she smirked at me before drawing a deep breath, then focused back on Nathan. “Son, that dog didn’t weigh more than five pounds. It nipped your finger, and you screamed bloody hell, causing the poor dog to bark at you. She ran and hid behind her owner’s purse!”

I coughed to cover up my laugh.

Nathan glared at me. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see how ferocious that dog was.”

“For the love,” Timberlynn whispered.

“Oh God! She’s coming this way now. Thanks a lot, Mom!”

“What didIdo?”

Before Nathan could say another word, Haven appeared. She smiled, revealing the two dimples in her cheeks. They made her look adorable.

“Hi, Mrs. Shaw,” Haven said with a wide grin.

“Hi, Haven, sweetheart. And please, call me Timberlynn.”

She nodded. When she turned to look at Nathan, her smile slipped a bit. Then she turned to me and her smile grew bigger. “Hey, Maverick.”

With a nod, I replied, “How are you, Haven?”

“I’m okay, but I have a favor. My friends dared me to ask you to dance, and Rory—the one with the super-white hair—said there’s no way a guy as handsome as you would dance with a girl like me.”

I frowned. “What does she mean, a girl like you?”

“What a little bi—”

“Mom!” Nathan quickly interrupted Timberlynn.

“Haven,” I said as I deposited my beer on a table, then held out my hand. “I would be honored if you’d allow me to dance with you for the next song.”

Her smile erupted once again, and her cheeks turned red. “You’re askingme?”

Nathan groaned, and Haven shot him a dirty look. Ignoring him, I went on, “Yes, I am. Care to dance?”

She placed her tiny hand in mine. “I’d love to dance, thank you so much!”

As we headed out to the dance floor, I watched as Haven turned back around, but not to look at her friends—instead, to give Nathan a smirk. Somehow, I got the feeling I’d just been duped.

Once we were on the dance floor, I asked, “Is this dance for Rory or for Nathan?”

The cheeky little thing winked. “Both.”

I tossed my head back and laughed. “Good Lord, Nathan better hold on tight with you.”