Page 81 of Loved Enough

Dad grinned. “That’s right. You can do your horse whispering shit sitting down.”

Maverick barked a laugh, then quickly stopped and let out a moan.

“Damn, sorry,” Dad whispered, as he mouthed another sorry to me. He put a hand on Maverick’s shoulder. “I’m going to go and let Timberlynn come in. Then Mom wants to see you. Rose and Kipton took Nathan to get some cat food for the kitten, then went home to get some sleep.”

Maverick frowned, but I wasn’t sure about what.

Looking at me, Dad said, “I’ll get your mother.”


When he left, I sat down on the edge of the bed and took Maverick’s hand in mine again.

“Is the kitten alright?”

Taken aback for a moment, I smiled. “Yes.”

The frown slowly disappeared from his handsome face. My goodness, he was worried about the kitten. It’s official, I just fell in love with him even more.

Squeezing his hand, I said, “I was so scared when Nathan called Dad and said you were in the burning barn. The only thing I could think about was that I hadn’t told you I’m so crazy in love with you in that last text. And since learning about the fire…I’ve been thinking about our future, Maverick. And I know you don’t want to talk about that because you don’t think we can have one.”

He closed his eyes and shook his head. “That’s not…”

“Don’t talk. Just lay there and listen. Over the past couple of months, I’ve never been so happy. I’ve never felt this way before, about anyone. And I don’twantto feel this way with anyone else but you, Mav. I want your smiles. I want your touch. Your laughter, your sorrow, your fears. I want it all. The good and the bad. I want you. But…I want your heart most of all.”

A single tear slipped free, and I lifted his oxygen mask to wipe it away. Gently replacing it, I drew his hand up to my mouth and kissed the back.

“I didn’t…mean to scare you.” His words were muffled under the mask.

I shook my head. “I wasterrified. A kitten, Maverick?”

He smiled, and once again, I fell deeper in love with him.

“I meant what I said, Mav. I’m not going anywhere, and you don’t need to say anything to me right now. I just want you to know that…well…that you are so loved, by so many. Nathan was beside himself with worry. He even snuck that kitten into the hospital to take care of it like you told him to. My dad rode in the ambulance, and they almost had to arrest him to make him stay in the waiting room.”

His brows shot up, then he winced and reached to gingerly touch the stitched cut.

“Whatever hit you and broke your ribs also left a little parting gift on that handsome face of yours.”

“Hurts. Everywhere.”

“I’m sure it does. Do you want some pain medicine?”

He shook his head.

A light knock sounded, and my mother and Grams both walked in.

“The nurse said we could break the rules if we were good and didn’t cause the patient any stress.”

Grams walked around to the other side of the bed and reached over, gently brushing a piece of hair from Maverick’s forehead. “You scared us, young man. And all for a kitten.”

“Five kittens, a momma cat, and a baby horse,” Maverick said very slowly.

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t you talk back to me, young man.”

Maverick’s brows shot up, he winced again, and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

“Stella, remember the whole no-stress thing so you don’t end up back in the hospital. I don’t think they would appreciate you giving the patient a hard time.”