Page 58 of Loved Enough

Timberlynn placed a hand over her husband’s arm and said, “Tanner, we talked about this.”

He waved her off. “I’m curious, that’s all.”

I drew in a deep breath, set my fork down, and looked directly at my boss. The father of the woman I’d had my mouth all over for the last few hours. I had to do a little shake of my head to whisk the memory away.

“I learned she hates chocolate ice cream and only eats it because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.” Tanner raised a brow and looked at Lily in surprise before bringing his gaze back to me. “I learned the first time she rode a horse, she was scared to death but also so excited it outweighed the fear. She’s afraid of roller coasters, her favorite season is fall, her favorite number is seven, and she’d like to build a house here on the ranch someday so she can be near her family like her cousins have done. She hates how long baseball games are, but loves watching Nathan play.” I peeked at her, then added, “And seeing the guys in their uniforms. And her dream is to see Taylor Swift in concert.”

Lily stared at me with a disbelieving look on her face. We hadn’t talked about any of that today.

No, that wasn’t quite true. Shedidtell me her dream about going to a Taylor Swift concert.

Timberlynn was doing everything she could to keep her smile from growing bigger while Tanner studied me quietly.

Nathan chuckled and said, “Damn,dude, that’s giving—”

“Language, Nathan,” Tanner warned. Then he pointed at him and said, “And don’t even think of using that term, ‘giving cunt.’”

I nearly choked again. “I’m sorry—what?”

Timberlynn sighed, and Lily laughed.

Focusing back on me, Tanner rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’ll fill you in later.”

Okay, that had to be a good sign, if he was planning on talking to me later and not killing me.

Lily reached over and squeezed my hand. When I looked at her, she smiled. I returned the gesture before a throat cleared, and I pulled my hand from hers.

“The only reason I’m not taking you out back and shooting you right now—because I wasn’t born yesterday, and I know damn well you weren’t simplytalkingto my daughter. You forget I was your age once.”

Timberlynn’s cheeks turned bright red, and she clearedherthroat.

“Like I was saying, the only reason I’m not taking you out back is because if Lily has to be withanyone, I’d prefer she be with you. You’re like a son to me, Maverick. I trust you with my daughter…and her heart.”

I was positive my eyes were as wide as saucers.

“Don’t look so damn surprised. Timberlynn and I think of you as part of this family, and we’ll keep reminding you of that fact until you believe it. I’ve seen the way my daughter’s been smiling more over the past few weeks. And today, she looks downright happy.”

“Oh, sheishappy,” Timberlynn added, then covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

Tanner rolled his eyes. “Since she was with you last night and all of today, I’m going to assume you had something to do with that, and I’m sure your time spent together wasn’t playing twenty questions. The only thing I want from you right now, Maverick, is a promise that you won’t hurt her. Because if you do, I have two brothers who will help me bury your body, no questions asked—and I have plenty of land to choose where your remains will disappear.”

“I’ll help bury you too,” Nathan added.

With a quick shake of my head, I answered, “I would never hurt her. At least, I wouldn’t ever do so intentionally, Tan— Um…sir.”

The corner of Tanner’s mouth twitched, and he looked at Timberlynn, who outright smiled. When he turned his attention back on me, the hint of a smile was gone. “I know you wouldn’t. I don’t have to tell you how much I love her and what she means to me and her mother.”

“And me,” Nathan added once again. When I looked at him, he made a motion with his fingers. Pointing to his eyes, then to me, as if saying he was watching me. I stared at him for a moment before looking back at Tanner.

“I trust you with her, Maverick. And I like you a hell of a lot better than that pussy, Ben.”

Nathan laughed hard at that. Timberlynn attempted to hide her laughter yet again, and Lily said, “Dad, really?”

“What? Heisa pussy.”

“I’ll agree with that,” I replied as Lily looked at me, then back to her dad.

Picking up her fork, Lily said, “Great, now that we got that out of the way, can we move on?”