Page 41 of Loved Enough

We turned our direction and walked back to the table. Leaning down, she said something to Bradly, who looked up at me with a stunned expression.

“Dude—you’ve never listened to Taylor Swift?”

Duke and Will both said in unison, “What!”

“I know, right?” Lily said with a laugh. “I’m about to fix it.”

And with that, she swept us out the door and to my truck.

Chapter Nine


My heart began pounding in my chest the moment Maverick held me in his arms to dance. The whole Jason Derulo song had me even more confused about my feelings for Maverick. The way he moved, the feel of his body against mine…Lord, it made me want him desperately. The last few weeks, my nights had been filled with dreams of the man doing all kinds of naughty things to me.

We stopped at his truck, and I held out my hand. “Keys, please.”

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled them out and handed them to me. I tried to ignore the little jolt of electricity when his fingers brushed against my palm. God, what was wrong with me?

I wanted to laugh. Iknewwhat was wrong with me. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking of Maverick since I’d stayed with him when he was sick. Then the constant working together, day after day. By the time each day ended, I was about to combust from all the sexual tension I felt.

Pushing my wayward thoughts aside, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, then climbed into the driver’s seat and turned his truck on.

Jumping back out, I asked Maverick, “Slow or fast?”

His mouth opened and shut. I wished I could better see those gray eyes of his at the moment. He cleared his throat. “I’m confused by what you’re asking me.”

Oh, how I know that feeling.

Had he thought I’d brought him out to his truck to fool around? I’ll admit, after that Derulo song, I was so turned on I almost rushed to the restroom to splash cold water on myself.

“The song. Do you want a fast song or a slow song?”

He laughed and sounded relieved. “Fast?”

With a wink, I said, “Fast it is!”

The beginning of “Shake It Off” started. I gave him a questioning look to see if he’d heard it before.

“Nope, never heard it.”

I grabbed his hand, and he spun me around, then we both laughed when I danced like a crazy person. It didn’t take him long to join in, and it was awesome to see him acting so fun and free. Soon, we were swing dancing in the parking lot of The Blue Moose to a Taylor Swift song, and I had never had more fun. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

“Cute song!” he called out as he spun me around.

“Just wait until the bridge! It’s my favorite part!”

I pretended to have a microphone and lip-synced with Taylor as Maverick leaned against his truck and grinned. I ran a hand through his hair and shook my hips as he let his eyes move down my body. A rush of heat hit me that had nothing to do with the fact that I was now dancing and sweating. It was the way he looked at me. It was thrilling…like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

The song finally ended, and I hit pause on my phone. “Like it?”

“Ididlike it.”

I clapped and took it off pause. “I put it on random, so let’s see what’s next.”

We waited just a second before “All Of The Girls You Loved Before” started. I held my hand out, and he took it. I stepped into his arms, and we danced right there under the moonlight in the parking lot of a local bar. It couldn’t have been more of a perfect moment had we planned it.

I placed my cheek on his chest and drew in a deep breath, soaking in how it felt to be back in Maverick’s arms. How good he smelled. The way his heart seemed to race at the same pace as mine. I closed my eyes and thought about how I’d never had these feelings with Ben. Sure, my stomach would dip, and I’d get butterflies, but with Maverick, the feeling was magnified. It wasn’t one or two tickling butterflies. It felt like an entire swarm.