Page 17 of Loved Enough

Timberlynn nodded. “You need to eat as well, and if bone broth is good for Maverick, it’s good for you too. I put some crackers on your plate, Maverick. Don’t eat too much or you might upset your stomach.”

Lily helped me to sit up and then adjusted the tray over my lap. “Lean forward, and I’ll put a pillow behind you,” she said as she leaned in so close, I could have turned my head and kissed her.

Moving back, she looked at me with the sweetest expression. A mix of concern and something else I couldn’t read. “How’s that?”

I cleared the lump out of my throat. “Um, fine. It’s good. Thank you.”

She flashed me a brilliant smile and then slid one of the bowls closer to her. It appeared we were going to share the tray.

“You really don’t have to stay, Lily. I think I’m out of the woods.”

“Well, just because the fever broke for now doesn’t mean it won’t come back. I texted Nathan to pack a bag with some of my stuff. I’ll stay here until you’re feeling like yourself.”

I nearly choked on the bone broth, which I had to admit tasted like a fucking hundred-dollar steak. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was.

“That’s not necessary,” I said, glancing at Timberlynn, who was clearing away glasses of water off the bedside table. “Timberlynn, please tell her it’s not proper for her to stay here with me.”

Both women paused and stared at me. Then Lily bursted out laughing.

“Oh my God! This isn’t the eighteen hundreds. And you’reMaverick. You’re like a…”

Lily’s voice faded, and I wanted to ask her to finish what she’d been about to say. I was like a what? A friend? A brother? Someone she wanted to crawl into bed with and let me explore every inch of her body?

“Tanner won’t…”

It was my turn to trail off as Timberlynn put a hand on her hip. “Tanner thinks of you like a son, and I know he trusts you. Besides, once this one makes up her mind to do something, good luck changing it.”

She glanced at Lily, who nodded. “You can’t be alone. Besides, you’re too weak to make a move on me.”

Both women laughed, and I tried to smile, but internally, I pictured every single one of the ways I could make a move on her.

There was no way I could have Lily sleep under my roof. None. I’d go fucking mad.

“I can have Nathan stay with me, or maybe Clay. You really don’t have to trouble yourself, Lily.”

For a moment, I thought I saw a hurt look cross her face before she looked at her soup, then back up at me. She wore a smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Ididhurt her feelings.Fix it, Mav. Fix it right now.

“But…I doubt they can make a bone broth as good as you do.”

Her eyes lit up, and her smile widened. “No, they cannot.”

When I took a chance to look at Timberlynn, she was smiling warmly. She gave me a wink and said, “I should get going. Lily, give him some Tylenol in about an hour. And once you feel like you can move around without getting dizzy, you should take a bath or shower. It’ll make you feel better. But don’t let yourself get a chill.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Timberlynn. For everything.”

With a quick peck on my cheek, she drew back and said, “Of course. You call me or Tanner if you need anything, andplease do not stress about getting back to work. In the years since you’ve worked for us, you’ve never taken a single day off.”

Nodding, I thanked her again.

Once Timberlynn was gone, I got back to eating the broth. I could feel Lily’s eyes on me, but I forced myself to stay focused on my bowl.

“Why haven’t you ever taken a day off?”

I finally glanced up. “I’m sorry?”