“It’s the truth.”
The clock runs out on the game, and the confetti sprinkles from the sky. In seconds, I get bombarded by every player on our team.
We did it. Three championship wins in a row. I’m a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame after I retire, whenever that will be.
I’m being interviewed by Samson again, and his typical stern impression shifts to a smile right before someone jumps on my back. I don’t have to see her to know who she is because the feel of her, the smell of her—everything about her—I committed to memory years ago.
“Congratulations, babe! I’m so proud of you.” She kisses me on the cheek.
“I must say you’re much happier this time than at the division championship,” Samson says.
Ellery is moving back to Chicago this week. Things between us are different this time around. She’s not holding herself back, and I’m not pushing us forward. I waited ten years for her to be mine, and she is. That’s all I really want. She’s moving in with me, but sadly we’re leaving The Den. Along with Miles and Bryce.
Ever since Rowan Landry moved in, there have been more than enough parties. And that’s what The Den was meant for, honestly. When I bought the building, I pictured bachelors there enjoying everything it and the area had to offer. But it doesn’t suit any of our lifestyles anymore.
She slips off my back and into my arms. God, her body up against mine, there’s no better feeling. “Let’s go get your award,” she whispers, assuming I’ll win the MVP, but we had a lot of great players today, including Bradley.
“I’m not sure it’s mine,” I whisper back, taking her lips and kissing her until I hear the clearing of a throat.
I look around to see Bradley standing at our side. I guess Samson moved on since he’s interviewing Miles now.
Bradley puts out his hand in front of me. There are rumors he wants a trade. Feels he’s too much in Damon’s shadow and wants to go to a team where he shines. I understand, we only have a set number of years to make our mark in this profession. You never know when an injury can take you out.
“I just wanted to say, thanks. I know we’ve had our problems, but you’re a great quarterback and captain.” I shake his hand, his words meaning more to me than anyone else’s.
“I selfishly hope you end up with us, but if not, good luck. Any team would be better for having you.”
We shake, and he nods his head. “Ellery.”
“Bradley.” She smiles.
“Let’s go, man.” Damon smacks me on the back, Clover in his arms, and Adeline right next to them. Last year was his year, and I hope this year is mine.
We all end up huddled at the end of the platform they wheel out. Orange and blue confetti still streams down to the ground.
Our GM gets handed the trophy and passes it to Coach Stone, who signals for me to come up. I kiss Ellery on the cheek and join him.
“We’d never be here without this man. He is consistent and steadfast and never gets detoured.” Coach eyes me, and I smile because I did a little this year, but I recalibrated and tried not to let my personal life affect my performance. “Three Super Bowl wins in a row puts us all in elite territory. We’ll take it.” He raises the trophy in the air and hands it to me.
I step up to the microphone. “I’m not alone on that field, every one of these guys worked their butts off to reach this goal. Not to mention our fans. Chicago, another one comes home to us!” The stadium roars to life.
I pass the trophy down to Damon, and then he passes it to Miles. Each player takes a picture with it.
“And now for the MVP,” the announcer says, getting handed the award.
I don’t have to win MVP to know I played a great game. Tons of players deserve it, and I don’t care because I have the one thing I’ve always wanted. I look at Ellery, and my eyes lock with hers as they make the announcement.
“No surprise here, Cooper Rice!”
Ellery screams, and even I’m surprised. She rushes over and I pull her to me, kissing her and taking her hand to drag her back over to the microphone with me.
“Thank you!” I raise the award in the air. “But every player on the field and coach on the sidelines was an MVP today. This is for all of us.” I hold it up, and everyone cheers.