Page 59 of Something like Lust

He walks into his bedroom while I sulk in the kitchen for another minute.

Eventually, I join Clover on the floor. “I know you might have liked Astrid, but she wasn’t here for us, baby. She was just here for Daddy.”

That night, I lay awake thinking that maybe I had it wrong with Astrid. Is it even feasible to find a nanny who doesn’t see Damon as a sex symbol? Maybe it’s something I’ll just have to get used to.

Clover keeps making noises in her sleep—whimpering or crying for a second or sucking hard on her pacifier. Most nights it doesn’t bother me, but tonight I can’t block it out and get to sleep. She’s been doing excellent at sleeping through the night. We put her down at eleven at night and she sleeps until five or six. So, nighttime feedings aren’t much of a thing now.

I throw off the covers, unable to take it anymore. Tomorrow is my day off, and I do not want to spend it asleep on the couch. I tiptoe out of the room, taking the monitor and turning it on once I reach the kitchen. The black leather sofas look so uncomfortable. There’s no way I can sleep on those. My eyes shift to the double doors of Damon’s bedroom.

No. That’s super weird.

Then the doors open, and I step back.

“Adeline?” He squints, his hair mussed. “Fuck, I got up to go to the bathroom and heard someone walking around out here. I thought someone got in or something.”

He’s in only his boxer briefs, and I try to divert my attention from the outline of his dick. God, he’s so gorgeous.I don’t blame you, Astrid. I might’ve done the same thing.

“Sorry, she’s really restless tonight, and I couldn’t sleep. I’m just going to take the sofa.”

He steps back and motions into his room. “Get in my bed, Adeline.” His voice is deep and husky from just waking up, and my libido perks up and takes notice.

“Oh no.” I shake my head.

“It’s a king. I won’t even know you’re there… unless you want me to.”

I swallow hard. There’s been no conversation about anything sex-related since the night I delivered. It’s as though we’re both pretending it never happened.

“Are you sure?” I lift the monitor. “I have this in case she wakes up.”

“Just get in and let’s sleep.”

He walks into his room, then goes into the bathroom. I’m still standing outside of the room when he comes back out.

“Stop thinking so much. We’re friends. And it’s not like you haven’t slept there before.” He laughs at his own joke but sobers a bit when I still haven’t moved. “If you don’t get in this bed, I’m going to pick you up and drop you on it. Sound familiar?” He arches an eyebrow.

He remembers that night? How? He must have had hundreds just like it.

I nod. “Okay, just tonight.”

“And Sunday,” he says.

I frown. “Sunday?”

“I’ll be out of town.”

“Oh right.”

Anyone in my head right now would think I get off on torturing myself. I slide under his sheet and comforter, instantly cocooned in the musky scent of his body wash. I might never leave.

“Good night,” he whispers into the dark.

“Good night, Damon.”

His breathing evens out after a few minutes while I remain wide awake. I’m in Damon Siska’s bed again. But if someone had told me the first time I was here that I’d be back under these circumstances, feeling this way about the man sleeping beside me, I would’ve said they were crazy.

