Page 29 of Devil's Last Dance

“Hi, Antwone, it’s me, er, I know you don’t want to talk to me. I haven’t seen you in over a month, but I just … I honestly don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just … I’m pregnant.” With that, she hung up and then dropped the cell phone to the floor.

That was all she could do.

Tears dropped down her face and reaching for a pillow, she held onto it, curling around the soft plush pillow, and sobbed.

She wanted her mom.

She wanted her dad.

And what she hated most of all—she wanted Antwone.

Chapter Eight

Six Months Later

“You don’t like any of the women?” Draven asked.

“Draven, leave him be,” Maria said, offering him a smile.

In the past six months, Antwone had avoided going to his brother’s house as he knew it would come with questions.

His brother always looked so happy, but as he glanced over, Draven looked pissed. Maria was heavily pregnant with their third child, and their other children were playing on the grass.

It was hot as fuck out, but Antwone still wore his suit.

“Yeah, Draven, listen to your wife. Leave me be.”

Draven glared. “A word.”

Antwone wanted to argue but Draven kissed Maria’s cheek and then they walked several feet away, stepping onto the plush grass that had clearly been recently cut.

He shoved his hands into his pants pocket and turned to Draven, waiting.

“What’s going on?” Draven asked.


“Nothing is going on. Months ago you told me you were ready to take a wife. That you wanted to produce an heir. I know all the capos have been preparing their daughters. So far, you haven’t made a choice.”

“I’m not into teenagers or young girls,” Antwone said.

“You know you could have your pick of women.”

He looked at his brother and then back at Maria.

“So could you and yet, I gave you the option of having the daughter of a traitor. I could have killed her, but I didn’t. I thought of you,” Antwone said.

“Your point?”

“Give me time. I will make my choice when I can.”

Draven released a breath. “The sooner you make your choice, the better.”

Antwone slapped his brother on the back. “Rather than worry about me, why don’t you focus on your own family?”

He couldn’t help but feel that twisting feeling that flooded his body. He looked toward Maria and saw her crouched near her kids. Maria was a good mother. Antwone knew he made a good choice for his brother. She was young and terrified, but she had told him she didn’t want him to die.

Her family had hoped to kill him. They had fucking failed. He had killed all of them.