She chuckled, turned to the door, typed in the code, and released the lock. She held the door open for him and waited as he stepped into her building. Closing the door behind him, she took the stairs leading to her apartment. She wasn’t on the top floor as she couldn’t stand heights. Unlocking the door, she let him in and immediately switched on the light, flooding her apartment.
“Come in.”
Antwone entered her apartment and she noticed he was tense.
“Are you okay? You’re not like a vampire or anything, expecting to be sprayed with holy water, are you?” she asked.
“I’m not a vampire.”
“You’re acting like you’ve never been invited into anyone’s home before. It’s kind of, you know, a little scary, I guess.” She nibbled her lip, not exactly sure what to say to him.
“I’m not used to this. Put it down to my ego talking.”
This did make her smile and rather than continue to be awkward, she removed her jacket and decided to leave him free to snoop. She made her way into the kitchen and grabbed the milk, eggs, and butter from the fridge.
Humming to herself, she got her skillet out and began to melt the butter. She also wasn’t in the mood for anything savory so she added some sugar and vanilla for flavor. She was in the process of whipping up the batter when Antwone joined her in the kitchen.
“Did you enjoy what you saw?” she asked.
“You have a lovely apartment.”
She smiled. “It’s home, or as good as home can be.”
“But this is not where you grew up?”
“Nope, I’m a small-town girl, and I moved here not long after my parents died.”
“The memories. They were too much, and I missed them every single day. It was hard to be where I had memories of them.” She shrugged. “Are your parents still alive?” she asked.
“I’m so sorry,” she said.
“Not all parents are good parents. You don’t need to be sorry.”
She looked at him and pressed her lips together. There was clearly no love lost for him. She couldn’t imagine feeling that way.
“Still, I am sorry. They were your parents.”
“They weren’t good parents.”
She wanted to ask a lot of questions but decided to just smile and return to cooking the pancake batter. She had also gotten some maple syrup out. Pancakes always called for lovely sweet syrup—only the best—and to her maple syrup was the best.
“So you have a brother. What is he like?” she asked, wanting to make the topic a little lighter.
“I don’t talk about my brother.” She paused in placing the batter into the pan, and then turned toward him. “Okay.” She laughed. “How about you pick something for us to talk about?”
She was out of ideas.
“Do you love to cook?” he asked.
“Yes. It reminds me of my mom. She always loved standing at the stove and she was an amazing cook.” She took a deep breath. The pain was still there, but it was manageable. She knew she would never get over the death of her parents. All she could do was accept it and try to live her life.
“And do you love working in a bar?”
“It helps pay the bills and at least I’ve got a job, so yeah, I like working in a bar.” She glanced over her shoulder to see him standing, arms folded, watching her.