“Can I come in?”

Jase shrugged. He was working on something at his desk. His laptop was open and he was drinking a cup of coffee. “Sure,” he said. “Who is after you now?”

“I’m not running this time,” Luis said. “This is a social call.”

“Then by all means come in,” Jase said, gesturing with both arms.

But when Luis put his legs through the window and stepped into Jase’s bedroom, Jase sat back in his chair and laughed. “I should have asked if you were decent, too.”

Luis adjusted the skimpy towel and gave him an innocent look. “We’re both guys,” he said. “You look as if you’ve never seen another man in a towel before.” The towel was so small the ends barely met at his thin waist. Though his private parts were covered, all of his right leg and half of his naked ass were exposed.

“I’ve been inside plenty of locker rooms,” Jase said. “I played football in high school and college.”

“Well, I just took a shower and I didn’t feel like getting dressed yet.” He didn’t mention he had his body waxed regularly. He liked men to think he was naturally smooth all over.

“I see.”

Jase certainly was a difficult man to read. Luis was dressed this way on purpose. He wanted to see if he could get a reaction from Jase, one way or the other. If any of the other guys Luis knew had seen him wearing nothing but a towel, they would have been all over him before he had a chance to clutch his towel. His agent friend, Michael, would have been on his knees begging Luis to remove the towel. Then Michael would have been begging to play with his ass.

But not Jase. He just sat there at his desk, with a lugubrious expression on his face, as if this sort of thing happened to him all the time.

“I was wondering if you’d do me a little favor this afternoon,” Luis said. He spoke slowly and with caution. After what had happened at the party, he wasn’t sure if Jase wanted anything to do with him.

Jase crossed his hairy legs. “What kind of favor?” he asked.

“It’s Friday.”

“I know,” Jase said. “How could I forget? We just got through another week with four Thursdays.”

Luis smiled. He didn’t think Jase would remember that old saying. “I was wondering if you’d like to join me this afternoon. Derrick, my older real estate friend, is taking me to see a couple of properties down in the Bowery and this time he’s bringing a friend of his, too. He said he’d love it if I could bring one of my friends along to make it a foursome. We’re having lunch in The Village afterwards.”

“Seriously?” Jase asked. “I’m not exactly one of your young friends. I’m forty years old, in case you haven’t noticed.”

“But you look like thirty,” Luis said, moving closer to the desk, lowering his voice so he’d sound shy and innocent.

Jase gave him a look. “I’m not sure if you’re telling the truth, but thank you anyway.”

“Of course I’m telling the truth,” Luis said. His voice returned to normal. “I may be a little peculiar at times, and I may have a few colorful friends. And yes, my parties do get raided once in a while. But I always tell the truth. I hate liars. You don’t look a day over thirty years old.” He crossed his heart, kissed his pinkie finger, and lifted it up in the air. “Besides, these guys are old. You could be sixty and still look like chicken compared to them.”


“That’s gay for a very young, hot guy.”

“I’m still not sure,” Jase said. “Clearly, I’m not chicken.”

Luis moved closer. When he was next to Jase’s leg, he purposely adjusted the towel to show more of his ass. But the towel accidentally slipped away from his body and fell from his waist. It was a good thing he was still holding the one corner to cover his dick. He clutched his groin and smiled. “Please come with me,” he said. “I’ll be stuck with both of them all afternoon if you don’t. I’ll pay you back. I swear I will.”

“I think I’ll pass,” Jase said, turning his head as if afraid to look at Luis for too long.

“I’ve been working on something all day.”

“All you have to do is smile and pretend you’re having fun,” Luis said. “It’s not that difficult.”

“If I did do this,” Jase said, “I’m not bringing my dirty sweat socks, or anything like that.”

“You don’t have to bring your dirty sweat socks,” Luis said, laughing. “He’s only interested in my sweat socks. And I’ll give you the five hundred dollars when we get back home tonight.”

“What time do we have to leave?”

Luis smiled and reached for Jase’s arm. He lifted it gently and looked at Jase’s watch.

“We have to be down in the Bowery at two.” He rubbed Jase’s arm with his fingertips for a moment. When he looked down between Jase’s legs, he saw the head of Jase’s erection sticking out through the fabric of his boxer shorts. At least Jase was attracted to him. Luis had been wondering about that.

Jase pulled his arm away and looked at his watch. “It’s one thirty,” he said, covering his lap with a magazine from the desk. “We’ll never get down there by then. You’re not even dressed yet. You’re stark naked.”

Luis waved his arm and turned around so Jase could see his ass. He walked slowly to the window and said, “We have plenty of time. Derrick knows I’m usually late. He’ll wait, trust me.” Then he leaned forward, arched his back as much as he could, and slipped the top half of his body through the open window. “I’ll meet you out in the hall in ten minutes. Is that enough time?” He couldn’t see Jase’s face, but he knew Jase was holding his dick while staring at his ass.

“Make it fifteen and you’ve got a deal,” Jase said.

On the way out the window, Luis wondered if Jase would finish himself off before he got dressed.

* * * *

When they met in the hall, Luis stared at Jase for a moment and smiled. He was wearing the tight jeans he’d been wearing the first day Luis had met him, the jeans that made his dick bulge out. His shirt was a black V-neck and he was carrying a leather jacket over his arm.

“You look nice,” Luis said. “I like those jeans.”

Jase’s face turned red and he adjusted the jacket over his arm. “Thanks,” he said. “So do you. I’ve never seen anyone get dressed so fast. Just a minute ago your hair was sticking up all over the place, and now it’s perfectly styled. You look like a model.”