Hey! Ranchers Singles?
LMAO! Why are you on that site?
The same reasons you are. How have you been?
Good. You know, Haley and I didn’t hit it off.
No? Wow. I’m sorry. That sucks.
Yeah, I was kinda hoping to have a chance with you.
Not girlfriend material. I’ve got commitment issues.
The truth will set me free.
Me too. But, hey, maybe we can figure it out together?
My food is delivered, and the sweet smell of pancakes pulls me away from the conversation. The server fills my coffee, and when she walks away, Harrison slides in front of me.
I stare at him like he’s a figment of my imagination.
He grins. “Hi.”
“How do you always seem to know where I am?” I look at him. “Do you have people spying on me?”
A bark of a laugh releases from his perfect lips. “You could fart in this town, and I’d know about it.”
I smile, and it feels good. “That’s true. Want to eat with me?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. I have to get going. Just saw you sitting here and wanted to see how you were doin’.”
“I’m good. Just been keeping busy.”
“Yeah, same.”
The server comes over and offers to get him a coffee, and he shakes his head. As she walks away, I can smell the hint of his cologne.
Usually, when we come here and eat, he joins me on the same side in the same booth. The one I’m in right now.
He opens his mouth and closes it.
“Just spit it out,” I tell him, sipping on my coffee, hating the tension between us. “I know you have something to say. You have that look on your face.”
“I can’t go with you to Hawaii.”