“Nah, I’m good.” I walk down the steps, and then we make our way back to town.
I let out a yawn, realizing I’m tired from staying up all night.
When we pull into the driveway, I look at her. “If there’s ever a point when she’s not okay, will you tell me?”
She searches my face, understanding what I’m asking. “Yes. But you owe me a favor every time I do.”
“That’s a deal.” I hold out my hand, and we shake on it because my favors are currency in this town.
Igrab a mocha from the coffee shop and sit by the windows so I can update my dating profiles. It’s a new year, and I’m searching for a new me.
After Harrison and I agreed that we couldn’t cross the line anymore, it’s beenawkward. And tense as hell.
I second-guess everything I say and type and how I act, down to what I wear. He’s seen me at my best and my worst and in the rawest form possible, and there is no taking it back.
It’s been seven days of him staying true to his word and pretending like nothing happened. He’s so convincing that, at times, even I almost believe we didn’t hook up.
He’s unbreakable with this shit, a master at locking emotions up and throwing away the key. I remind myself a hundred times per day that it’s for the best. We made a pact and agreement to end it if our friendship was in jeopardy. Apparently, it was, or he wouldn’t have called it quits. It got too serious, too quickly, and a week later, my head is still spinning.
With a coffee in one hand, I type my password and unlock my computer. As I wait to connect to Wi-Fi, my phone rings.
It’s Kinsley.
“Sorry to bother you on a Saturday—also, this isnotwork-related at all.”
I laugh, looking at the Ranchers Singles website, which feels very much like online shopping for men. “I’m not doing anything important anyway. What’s up?”
“When I was chattin’ with Harrison the other day, he mentioned you were starting your wedding planning business this year. Do you still want to give that a shot?”
A huge smile fills my face, and it almost hurts. “Are you asking me to help you plan your wedding?”
“Yes, I am!Please? The universe just keeps pointing me in this direction. It just feels right, ya know?”
“Kins, I don’t haveanyexperience.” My heart races because I know this is a huge opportunity.
Kinsley Valentine knows everyone, and this could be a career launcher. The big break I’ve been waiting for just fell in my lap. Thanks to Harrison. He’s always saving the day.
“So what? You’re so organized at work. It’s an incredible quality to have when dealing with something like this. I don’t know anyone else who color coordinates highlighters with the tabs in their notebooks.”
I chuckle. “I would love to help you.”
“Oh my God, thank you! I’m already overwhelmed, and I’m trying to de-stress my life this year. Oh, if possible, can you let me know your rates so I can budget it in?”
“Yes, ma’am, I’m not letting you do all of this work for free. Do some research and let me know. My brother also mentioned Weddings with Grace as a business name? It’s cute. Has a double meaning. I think you should keep it.”
“Wow, I told him that when we were kids.” I laugh and can’t believe he remembered. “I’ll let you know. Thank you so, so much.”
“I’m excited! Chat soon.”
I end the call and hurry and text Harrison.