Page 166 of Butter My Biscuit

“Those glow-in-the-dark stars are still there?”

“Yeah,” he says, reaching behind him and clicking the light off.

Then, we hold each other under the plastic green glowing stars that we stuck up there one summer.

“You know, I think the Kiss of Death has been activated since the very first time we kissed.”

He chuckles. “Shit, that festered for a long-ass time.”

“But we ended up here,” I say, drawing circles on his skin.

Just as I’m nearly falling asleep in Harrison’s arms, I hear something. His eyes fly open, and he hears it too. Then, I look out the side window and see Remi in Harrison’s old bedroom. She’s talking to someone and shaking her head. When she turns around, I see a hand in a suit fly forward to gently grab her. Harrison’s head pops up, and we sit on our knees.

“Who is she talking to?” he whispers as we hide in the shadows, like we’re twelve again, spying on people.

“I don’t know,” I tell him, trying to make out what she’s saying.

He opens his mouth to whisper, and I quickly shush him. It’s a man’s voice. Deep. Then, I see the black suit arm and the gold cuff links, and I know who it is.

“Tell me,” Harrison whispers. “I saw it on your face. You’ve figured out who it is.”

“Sometimes, it’s annoying how well you can read me.”

Then, Cash steps forward, and he and Remi kiss.

My eyes widen, and Harrison’s jaw clenches. When it comes to his sisters, he’s a terror.

I grab Harrison’s hand, and I hold it tight. “Don’t.”

“What the fuck?” he hisses.

“Look, you told me that Remi owed you ten, right?”

“Nine,” he corrects.

“Okay, then make it eight. Seriously, if you have to take away every single one of her favors based on how many times you’ve caught her with someone, then do it, but now is not the time. Save it.”

Harrison narrows his eyes. “Sometimes, it’s annoying how logical you can be.” But then he slides his mouth against mine. “She does one thing to piss me off, and I’m telling Beckett. And he’s gonna lose his shit. The age difference.”

“It’s ten years,” I tell him. “It’s not that big of a gap.”

“For my little sister? Yes, it is.”

I laugh, placing my lips against his. “You’re gonna be an asshole father, aren’t you?”

“Oh fuck, get the shotguns ready,” he says, sliding his mouth back to mine, laying me back down on the bed. “I love you, Gracie.”

“You once told me that you’d help me get my happily ever after. Did you know it’d be you?”

“Yes,” he whispers. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Okay,” I tell him, wrapping him in my arms, pulling him in for a kiss as he lifts us forward.

Once he’s dressed, Harrison meets my eyes.

“How do I look?” I ask.

“Like you always do. Guilty as fuck.”