Page 126 of Butter My Biscuit

When we get inside, I turn to her. “Who’s the dad?”

Grace’s jaw locks tight. “You’re theonlyperson I’ve been with.”

I search her face. “I thought …”

“You thought wrong. It’s only been you.”

She turns her head and looks out the window, avoiding me. She’s lost in her head, but I understand.

This is … not what I expected I’d be dealing with today.

I take my hat off and throw it in the back seat. “We need to find out right now.”

Tears threaten to spill down her cheeks. “I can’t buy a pregnancy test. Everyone in town would know, and they’re all watching me. You can’t buy one either. I ordered some, but they won’t be delivered until next week. Right now, I just need my best friend. Okay?”

I crank the truck, understanding the assignment. I pull out my phone, knowing who will help me and won’t say shit. If Grace is having my baby, this wedding is over. After I send my text, I pull out of the coffee shop parking lot.

“I’ve got you.”

“Where are we going?” she asks when we leave town.

“Do you trust me?” I reach over and grab her hand.

“I always have.” She wipes tears away, and when I pull up to Kinsley’s place, she turns to me. “Please tell me you didn’t tell her.”

“I called in a massive favor.” I search her face and kiss her knuckles. “Kins won’t say anything. She keeps her promises as well as I do.”

I get out of the truck and open Grace’s door. Then, we take the steps up to Kinsley’s place. She opens the door and smiles at Grace when she passes her, but glares at me like she wants to chop off my balls and shove them down my throat.

Grace stands awkwardly in the living room, and Kinsley hands her the test.

“You know how to do it?”

“I just pee on it, right?” She reads the back of the box.

“Yes, and give it the amount of time the instructions say. There are two in there. Take them both just so you know for sure. Got it?”

Grace wraps her arm around Kinsley’s neck. “Thank you.”

“Bathroom’s down the hall to the left,” she says sweetly.

Grace makes her way there. I try to follow her, and Kinsley stops me.

“What the fuck is goin’ on?” she whispers, looking at me incredulously because it’s exactly what it looks like.

I shake my head. “Long story. Keep it to yourself.”

“You realize if she’s pregnant withyourbaby, it’s going to be a clusterfuck, right?”

“Thank you, Captain Obvious. Well aware of what this means,” I hiss as I walk away, not needing that right now.

I knock on the door, and the lock unlatches. Grace lets me in and then returns to the toilet with the stick in her hand. The jeans she was wearing are around her ankles.

“I’m pee shy right now. Turn around.”

I laugh and do it.

“Can you please hum or something? I need a distraction.”