Page 97 of Butter My Biscuit

“Looking forward to watching the next few episodes,” he says. “Was it that Kiss of Death bullshit?”

A howl of laughter escapes me. “Happy you’re back, man. Also, keep this shit to yourself, got it?”

“Secret’s safe with me. But, fuck, what a wild ride this dramafest is gonna be.”

“Don’t jinx me.”

He throws a few twenties on the bar. “Don’t even have to.”



As I clean the baseboards in our living room, Remi stands behind me. “Didn’t you work on those last week?”

“No, I cleaned the windowsills,” I tell her with a toothbrush in my pink-gloved hand.

“Look, you need to stop whatever this is.” She moves her hand around. “You need to get out there, go have fun, make out with a random person, get a few phone numbers. You’re making your single-girl era seem …depressing. You went out last weekend with that dude and haven’t tried again.”

“I think I’m broken,” I explain, but keeping the details to myself because each time I’ve tried to articulate what I’m going through, it sounds ridiculous. And stupid.

Remi laughs as she dunks a tea bag into a mug and slices a lemon. “I’d agree with that.”

“How do you do it? How are you okay with being alone?” I stand and stretch, and every vertebra in my back pops.

She shrugs. “When you grow up in a family like mine, you learn to love quiet time. Our house was always so loud. Something was always going on. I was never alone as a kid. So, I’m making up for that now. About the partner part … I don’t fuck around because as soon as I do, I tend to find out. Being independent has its perks. I know that I don’t need a man … a man needs me.”

“I need that attitude.”

“I’ve been single so long that if I spot one red flag, I’m out. You eat all the food in my fridge? Buh-bye. You have a crazy ex? Bye. You argue about something trivial? See ya. Don’t shower often? Outta here. No time for any of that.” She blows on the top of her cup and takes a sip. “I spoke with Haley earlier. She was going to the bar tonight.”

“She asked me to join her,” I admit.

“And? Are you going to spend another Friday night crying on the couch? I love ya, but if I have to watchYou’ve Got Mailor13 Going on 30one more time, I might move out.” She tries to hold back her laughter but fails.

“Okay, that’s fair.”

She walks farther into the living room, and that’s when I notice she’s already in her pajamas.

“I take it you’re not going anywhere tonight?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“Why? ’Cause you might see Cash out?”

She glares at me. “Out of everyone in my life, I thought you’d be the last person to pull thatsecret crushstuff on me.”

“Doesn’t everyone know? When he was eighteen and you were nine, I remember how you’d follow him and Beckett around like you were their shadow.”

She sips her tea. “This is one of those times where I wish you weren’t always around to witness all the embarrassing childhood shit that most people don’t remember. It has nothing to do withhim. Unlike you, who’s avoiding every public place because you might run into yourbestie…”

“The difference is, I can admit it. I don’t want to see Harrison and Stephanie together. I’m good. I watched them choke on each other’s tongues in high school enough to last me a lifetime.”

She shrugs. “Fresh air and tequila will do you good.”

“I’m just gonna drink wine and read in bed. I’ve got a Why Choose with eight guys railing and worshipping the heroine.”

She bursts into laughter. “Text it to me.”