When they pass, she moves back to me. “I miss you. The old us.”
“Me too.”
The smell of her perfume lingers.
“Did Stephanie find you?” she asks, and the jealousy I saw in her before is gone.
“Yes,” I answer truthfully.
She smiles. “Give her a chance.”
“That’s what you really want?”
“I want you to be happy. We both know it’s something I can’t give you.”
The awkward silence has me in a choke hold.
“I need to get back, okay?” Grace meets my eyes.
Grace walks away and turns and looks over her shoulder, watching me watch her. “Have fun. Try to live a little, Harri.”
“Plan on it.” I take the advice to heart and make my way back to the bar, where Stephanie and Cash are chatting.
I slide back into place, ordering another drink as Grace leaves with the guy she met there. My thoughts race, and I wonder where they’ll go next. Back to her place? A hotel?
Can he make her happy? If I can’t, no one can.
Stephanie’s alarm rings, and she looks at me. “Shit, I gotta get going. Have to be up really early in the morning.”
“Do you have plans tomorrow night? I can pick you up around eight.”
A grin fills her face. “I’d love that. What should I wear?”
“Whatever you want, darlin’.”
She leans forward and softly kisses me before standing. “See you then.”
“Lookin’ forward to it,” I admit before she walks away with a pep to her step.
Cash turns to me. “You’re givin’ me whiplash.”
“Fuck, same.”
We sit in silence, listening to the music play as we swirl the last few sips of our whiskey.
“You two were great together back in the day,” Cash offers. “Prom king and queen. It’s a love story that basically writes itself.”
I chuckle, taking in the last swig. “We were good together. That’s why I’m gonna give her a real chance this time.”
Neither of us says another word.
I eventually clear my throat. “Ya know, everyone always talks about becoming friends to lovers, but not many people talk about friends to strangers.”
“It’s because it’s depressing as fuck.” Cash pats me on the back and closes out our tab. “It gets better. Or worse. I guess we’ll see how it all plays out, won’t we?”
“Glad I can be your entertainment.”