He talks about how she’s the most caring, beautiful woman he’s ever called his girlfriend and continues on. “This woman has given me a second chance at happiness, and I want everyone here to know how much I love her.”
“Aww,” fills the room.
I glance at Grace, and she glances back at me with a smile. My sister blows kisses toward Hayden. People applaud, thinking it’s just a simple confession, but I know better, and so do Grace, Haley, and Beckett. At this point, the whole room might know, except for Kinsley.
Then, he drops to his knee, and I pull my cell phone from my pocket and start recording.
“Kinsley Valentine. I can never thank you enough for being you and for accepting me how I am. I know what life is like living without you—it’s hell. And I don’t wanna go back there ever again. Hades and Persephone were made for each other, and I know for a damn fact you were made for me. I love you with all my heart, forever and always. Will you marry me?”
A tear falls from Grace’s cheek, and she wipes it away. I wrap my free arm around her as we watch it play out like a movie.
Kinsley says something, and I can’t hear what she says.
“Kins?” Hayden finally speaks up, and I think every person is holding their breath, waiting for her to answer. She looks around the room like she just realized we’re all here waiting forher.
“Yes, yes,oh my God.” Tears spill down her cheeks as he puts two different rings on two different fingers. Then, they laugh and cry and kiss.
“Get a room!” I holler before the hoorays, which earns several laughs.
They kiss and dance, and the energy is high.
“That was a great engagement speech. Seven out of ten,” Grace says.
“Not a ten out of ten? I thought he was good.”
I hold out my hand. “Wanna dance?”
With a nod, she interlocks her fingers with mine, and I lead her to the middle of the room, where we sway to the music.
“Shit, I love this color on you,” I tell her, and spin her around as she laughs.
She looks so damn happy. It’s picture-perfect. And this time, I hope it doesn’t vanish.
The song ends, and another starts. Neither of us tries to walk away.
“Did you think of your word of the year?” she asks me as I hold her close to me.
“Hell no. I told you, I’m not choosing one. Can’t get me to commit to that living hell again.” I meet her eyes. “Did you pick one?”
“I did.Fearless.”
I lift her chin and smile. “You already are.”
“I will be this year. Fearless inallthings.”
“I just hope you’re notforcedto be fearless.”
“Don’t jinx me.” She wraps her arm around my waist and squeezes.
Right now, I want to capture her mouth and make those pouty, kissable lips mine. But there are many people around. Last thing we need to do is add kindling to the rumors that already swirl around us.
When Summer grabs the microphone, my head turns in her direction. She’s tipsy and wearing a goofy smile, but Beckett is right there beside her.
“Listen up, everyone! Listen up! We have two minutes until midnight. Grab your champagne and your kissing partner, and get ready to welcome in the new year, surrounded by friends and family!”
People navigate through the space like ants. We get bumped around as Remi and Colt pass out glasses of sparkly. I turn on the large TV hanging on the wall so we can watch the ball drop in Times Square.
Then, Grace and I move to the back of the room and stand on the stairs so we have the perfect view of the TV as Summer gives us updates by the second. Grace stands on the step above me, and I still have inches on her, but we’re almost eye to eye.